Chapter 14

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One foggy morning, Bella Baggins stood on the edge of a walkway with an overlarge cloak wrapped around her. This time, however, she wasn't wearing Kili's cloak.
Her gaze turned to Thorin. He stood at the front of their group with his head turned towards Erebor. The dwarf seemed hunched up as if he was cold. Bella looked down. It was her fault if he was, seeing as his cloak was the one wrapped around her petite body. The fur-lined edges tickled her chin and almost made her giggle when Thorin had given it to her.


"Have you packed everything? " Thorin had asked. Bella nodded and pulled her bag onto her shoulders. The Dwarven king had looked around, his gaze softening when he saw her.
"Everything. "
His eyes had traveled over her shoulders. She'd only been wearing a thin white shirt over her torso. Before she could speak, he unclipped his cloak and laid it on her shoulders. Thorin fastened it and stepped away.
"We should join the rest. "
"T-Thorin... Why would you give me your cloak? I can find one, or borrow Kili's. " she'd protested.
His piercing eyes stopped her protest and had caused her to smile. He'd moved over to her and cupped her face in his hands. "You need it more than I do, Ghivashel. "
Thorin's words made her blush just as much as his kisses did.
What was with this dwarf?


"Bella? C'mon, we need to hurry. " Kili said, shaking her out of her reverie. She shook her head a couple times and followed the young dwarf into one of the many boats provided to them by the Men of Laketown.
As she climbed into the boat, Legolas grabbed her hand and helped her into the boat. She smiled nervously and sat down the best she could. Thorin's cloak protected her from the winds and cold in the air.
As soon as they reached the other side of the Lake, the dwarves disembarked the boat along with their new supplies. The men quickly left despite how dark it was. It was much easier to believe in the old tales of the dragon's danger than the songs that had been sung about the dwarves hours before.
Legolas stayed with them for the night but made no effort to move and pack up the next morning. He walked over to Bella and Fili, who stood behind her.
"Aren't you coming with, Legolas? "
The elf shook his head and crouched down to her level. "I can't, Bella. I need to get back to Mirkwood. I will return soon enough. " he said. "Besides, this quest belongs to this Company and Oakenshield, not me. "
Bella nodded reluctantly and hugged the elf tight. He chuckled and returned the hug, looking over her head to Fili.
"We'll take care of her. She's like a sister to me and Kili, anyways. She's kin. " Fili said. The elf nodded and smiled as he let the small hobbit go.
"I will see you soon. " Legolas assured her and left. As he walked away, Kili ran up to the she-elf that was waiting for her friend at the edge of the lake.
"Kili? "
The young dwarf smiled. "Tauriel. I just.... Here. " he stammered. Her pulled her hand to him and placed the runestone in her palm. "I don't know how this might end, so I wanted to give this to you. As a promise, you know. That I'll come back. "
She tried to hand it back to him, but he stopped her. "I cannot keep it. Your mother gave it to you, I can't take it. "
"Just keep it safe for now. If you really want, you can give it back later. I'll see you then. " Kili said after standing as tall as he could and placing a daring kiss on Tauriel's lips. He grinned cheekily and raced off to join his uncle and the rest of the Company.
He stopped a few feet away from her and directed his next few words at Legolas, running on. "Fili says goodbye~"
The elf couldn't help but smirk when the older of the brothers hit Kili playfully on the head. He turned and shot the other two an apologetic look. Legolas and Tauriel watched them until the whole group disappeared.
"What on earth did that mean? "
Tauriel laughed at her friend's confusion. "You decide. It's Kili, one can hardly take him seriously. "
"Right........ "


Bella shivered when they reaches the side of the Mountain. It's imposing shape blocked all the sunlight and warmth.
She pulled the cloak closer around her and stepped closer to Thorin. The dwarf king was staring up at the Mountain with a longing look.
This must be the first time Thorin had seen his home in over a century. His eyes shone in the near-darkness as he looked at his home.
"This is it? " Bella murmured. The dwarf turned towards her and pulled her to his side.
"Yes. This is it my home. " he replied. "I haven't been here in about.... "
"One hundred and seventy-one years. " Balin said as he walked up beside Thorin. "That's the last time we were here. I remember you'd just turned twenty-four. "
Thorin smiled and turned his gaze to Bella.
171 years.... That was over three times her age! Bella realised that when she'd been raised with whatever she wanted and was coddled her whole life, Thorin and the rest of his kin had been driven out of their home and struggled to make their living.
"Are you alright, Bella? " Thorin asked.
The burglar shook herself and leaned into his side. "Of course. Just thinking. "
Thorin obviously didn't believe her but decided to turn his face back to Erebor.


That night at their camp, Bella was lying on her bedroll when she heard footsteps approach. She ignored them until she opened her eyes and noticed Thorin sitting beside her.
"Hello, Thorin. "
"Bella. " he said. "Do you mind if I stay here for the night? "
His deep voice rolled over her pleasantly, Bella finding herself nodding. She was surprised when he lay down beside her and hesitantly wrapped his arms around her waist. She looked up at him for a moment.
"Thorin..... "
He turned to her with a smile. "Yes, Ghivashel? " he rumbled.
"Why would you choose someone like me instead of..... Someone else... "
Thorin cupped her face in his hands and stared straight at her for a moment. "Because. You're you, and that's enough. I never had time for attachments where we've come from. I had to work and help my sister and the boys after her husband died. But you've changed that, somehow. " he explained. She smiled back hesitantly. However a new thought crossed her mind.
"Did you..... Was there only feelings after Beorn's house? After you found out I wasn't a male, I mean. "
His smile faltered. "Of course not. I didn't think about what I felt for you until Mirkwood. " he said. "And you're forgetting that I didn't think very highly of Bilbo Baggins at first, so I wasn't sure how to feel at all. "
"Oh. "
Thorin's smile returned. "Of course, the fact that you are a woman makes it a bit easier. Any others wouldn't think of it, of us, as differently. The fact that they all expect me to provide an heir for Erebor makes relationships.... Difficult. "
Bella nodded and buried her head in Thorin's chest, his arms about her waist. And that is how she fell asleep, cocooned in the arms of Thorin Oakenshield in the shadow of the Lonely Mountain.

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