Chapter 8

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     Thorin Oakenshield looked back at his Company of thirteen dwarves, minus their hobbit. She'd been left behind.
     Now that he thought about it, he couldn't believe he hadn't figured it out already. Her small hands, her overall delicate appearance, her refusal to let Oin check her wound.....
     What was more, she'd become a distraction already despite not being there anymore. Thorin felt that the best way to protect her was to leave her behind in Beorn's care. He had to try to protect her. His heart almost ached when he recalled the look on her face when he'd told her she was to stay with Beorn.
     "Thorin.... " Dwalin rode up beside the Dwarven king and gestured backwards. In the distance he could see a small figure on a pony racing towards them. There was no way the Company would be able to outrun the figure, not with Kili and Fili walking beside their ponies.
     Bella. It could only be her.
     Kili grinned and ran towards her. Fili followed behind and pulled his brother onto his pony. Thorin frowned when the burglar appeared with a breathless look.
     "Look who's back! " Kili cheered. Bella giggled and hopped off of the pony. She walked straight up to where Thorin stood.
     "What are you doing here? " he questioned.
     The hobbit shrugged. "Going with you. I said I would, and I meant it. I'm going to help you get your home back whether you like it or not. " she replied. Thorin noted the stubborn tone in her voice and saw her raised chin. He turned away, looking back at her for a second.
     "Fine. If you want to, then go ahead. " he muttered. Bella grinned victoriously and hopped back onto her pony. The Company continued on their way towards Mirkwood.


     That night at camp, Bella was warming herself by the fire when Fili and Kili sat on either side of her.
     "What do you two want? "
     Kili chuckled and tossed something small in his hand. "Not much. We just thought what you did earlier was hilarious. "
     "I don't think anyone's stood up to Uncle like that in a while now. " Fili said. Bella smiled.
     "Really? How do you deal with him? "
     Kili burst into laughter, Fili struggling to not do the same.
     "Mahal, you sounded exactly like Mother just now! That was hilarious! " Kili said while laughing in between.
     "Did I really? "
     Fili nodded. "She says that all the time, how she can't deal with him and that he's too stubborn for his own good. "
     Kili grinned and messed up Bella's hair. "You remind me of her a bit. "
     Bella smiled and leaned her head on the young dwarf's shoulder. He and Fili began talking about something that washed over her head completely. As they talked Kili ran his fingers through her curly hair.
     "Huh? " she murmured.
     Kili chuckled again and repeated his question. "Do you mind if I braid your hair? Fili won't let me braid his. "
     "Because I can braid my own hair, thank you very much. " Fili muttered. Kili laughed and tossed a fake punch at his brother.
     "That would be nice. " Bella said. Kili grinned and pulled Bella's hair together after she sat up. The hobbit stared into the fire as Kili worked on braiding her hair.
     The feeling of someone running their fingers through her hair and pulling it together in a braid brought back memories. Bella could remember her mother braiding her hair while telling her stories or singing songs while taking care of her daughter's hair. After she died, Bella normally pulled her hair together in a ponytail or in a bun. She'd cut her hair just before the dwarves had shown up unannounced at her door. It must've grown long enough again to be braided.
     "Done. " Kili announced. Bella forced a smile and felt her braid. She became confused when she encountered a bead-like item holding the braid. Bringing in forward she saw a braid cuff made of a silvery material with a single reddish stone set in the middle.
     "What's this? " she asked.
     "It's a braid cuff that used to belong to my mother. She gave it to me a long time ago and I thought you could use it. " Kili explained. "It's a cuff dwarves use that means the person wearing it is a maiden, or unmarried. Least that's what I think. "
     Fili nodded. "That sounds about right. "
     "Really? You have a whole system just of braid cuffs? " she asked, surprised.
     "Yep. There's the maiden one, then it goes to engagement I think, then married. " Fili said. "Mother wears one that means she's widowed. "
     "Oh. "
     Kili wrapped an arm around the hobbit's shoulder. "It looks good in your hair. "
     Bella smiled shyly. The three began talking about the journey ahead until Kili stopped and looked down at Bella for a moment softly. "You're kind of like a sister to me, you know that? " Kili murmured. Bella looked down with a smile and leaned into his side. The brothers launched into a discussion while Bella grew sleepier and sleepier until her eyes closed shut in sleep.


     Thorin watched his nephews and Bella sitting by the fire. A smile found its way onto his face when Kili began braiding the hobbit's shoulder length caramel hair. He was amazed at how attached the trio was. Kili especially seemed close to the hobbit.
     "Thorin. What's the plan? " Dwalin broke in. Thorin shook himself and looked up.
     "For what? "
     Dwalin gestured towards the forest. "The forest. All we were told was to stay on the path. "
     Thorin nodded. "That's the only plan that will work, Dwalin. If staying on the path means avoiding those cursed wood elves. "
     "You still hold that against them? "
     "Of course. They did not help us in any way when we were in need. I cannot forgive their behaviour. " the king growled. Dwalin nodded in agreement and looked over to the fire.
     Dwalin broke the silence after a few moments of watching Thorin stare at the trio by the fire.
     "She followed us.... And yet you let her come with us. " Dwalin pointed out.
     "She was given a choice, Dwalin. " Thorin mumbled. "Nothing I say fazes her at all. Stubborn creature. "
     "You say that as if you admire that about her. "
     Thorin looked away and into the forest. He didn't like these strange feelings he felt for the burglar. Not at all.

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