Chapter 24

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Not sure who exactly this is, whether it's the person who posted it on Insta or whatever, but this is probably close to what Bella looks like in this fic. ≧﹏≦
I hope you enjoy this semi-intense chapter. I cannot be held responsible for feelz attacks that result in injury or death.

Bella was sitting beside Legolas with Fili and Kili next to them when a cloud of dust formed over the hills. The elf stood up and stared in the direction of the cloud ☁.
"What is it? " she asked the elf prince.
Legolas looked down for a second, worried. "It seems to be five hundred Dwarven warriors approaching us. "
Fili jumped up. His expression seemed to be in between scared and hopeful. "Cousin Dain. "
Bella looked up at the blond dwarf. "Is that a good thing? " she questioned. He sighed, gaze still locked on the approaching army.
"Could be. " he muttered. "Either he'll get Uncle to realise how much of a git he's been or.... It's going to get even worse. "
Kili pulled the small hobbit into his side and stared at the horizon. He didn't know what was about to happen, but judging by his brother's reaction, it wasn't good.


Bella cheered, Kili grinning in celebration. He pulled an arrow out of a tent post and tossed it towards the burglar. Catching it, she slipped it into the quiver hanging beside her.
"Good job, sister. " he beamed. Bella laid the bow on the ground beside her gently.
Kili glanced towards the Mountain. The crisp wind of the valley blew around them. Bella shivered, pulling her woolen coat tighter around herself. Again, she wondered how the dwarves managed to live in the bone-chilling cold of winter.
Her thoughts had just begun to wander back to the warm, rolling hills of her homeland, so far away in the West, when a ear-bursting noise shattered her peace. Looking back, Bella saw Fili and Legolas running towards them, Tauriel coming from the right.
"What's going on? " she asked. The elf prince caught up to her and stopped, Fili on his heels.
"I can hear the sounds of the beginning of war. " Legolas said solemnly. "Dain has pushed on towards the Mountain. "
Bella blanched pale. "War? "
She didn't miss the way Kili casually rested his hand on his bow and how Fili twirled a dagger in his hand. Beside them, Legolas held his bow in his hands with an arrow at the ready.
Then, with a shout of Khuzdul, Dain's forces charged the elves and Men blocking the Mountain kingdom.
Battle was about to begin.


Kili had just pushed Bella behind him as they approached the battle when a figure dressed in grey ran up from behind them. The hobbit smiled upon recognising Gandalf. Her smile fell at the unfamiliar look on the familiar wizardly face.
Eyes wide in terror, hand holding his staff far too tightly, breath coming out in ragged bursts.
"Stop this madness! " the wizard shouted, his voice thunderous. "Azog the Defiler is leading an army of orcs and Wargs, an army that will destroy us all! "
Bella watched from behind Kili as Bard and Thranduil halted their armies and made their way towards the wizard. Dain stayed where he was, following after grumbling in his beard.
The dark-haired Man was the first to reach Gandalf. "What can you mean by this? There is no way. "
Thranduil stepped us beside Bard and stared at the horizon. His gaze was critical for a moment, calculating blue eyes narrowed for just a moment before they widened in shock.
"What exactly is goin' on here? " Dain all but growled as soon as he was within earshot.
The elf turned to the small group assembled, panic evident in his expression. "There is indeed an army of orcs large enough to destroy us all. They ride on Wargs and bats are in their train. " he whispered. "They seek our death. "
Bella stifled her gasp when she too saw the dark army marching their way. Even from this distance, she could make out the leading figure.
A white Warg, bearing its rider slowly forward. Pale, scarred skin, an unnatural weapon for a hand lost in battle against a dwarf prince, a revengeful grin.
Azog had indeed come to fulfill his goal, to end the Line of Durin.


Despite his thin frame, Legolas was impossible to shove. Especially for someone of Bella's stature. It was irritating, really.
"I will not stay here! " she screeched.
The elf prince sighed reluctantly, kneeling down to her level. "You will be safer here, Bella. The battlefield is no place for one as small as you. "
"What am I supposed to do then? Wait here while you are all risking your lives? I will not stay here and wait for someone to tell me you've been killed! " her voice heightened in volume as she yelled. "I refuse to lose any of you! "
"Sister, " Kili, who had been standing back, stepped forward. "We can't lose you either. Don't worry about us, we'll be fine. "
Bella huffed in annoyance. "I can defend myself perfectly fine, thank you very much. "
"We can't save you if anything happens- "
She turned her glare on Fili, who stood behind Legolas. "I am not some maiden in need of defending, I am grown-"
"No. You will stay here where you are safe. That is it. " Legolas snapped. He stood up, grabbed his bow, and stormed out to join the Elvish troops. Tauriel followed him silently, leaving Fili and Kili alone with the enraged hobbit.
"Please stay here, sister. I don't want to lose you. "
She rolled her eyes. "You say that as if you aren't in danger either. Azog is out there, Kili. His main concern is killing you! I'm not important to his goal. "
Fili stepped closer, exchanging a meaningful look with his brother. "He may be an orc, but Azog isn't stupid. He knows that hurting you would make us attack him in retaliation. That's what he wants. If we're blinded by anger then we're as good as dead. " the prince explained. "We can't stop you from fighting, I know that, but we're asking you to stay here. "
She glared at the dwarves before sighing. "Fine. But if I don't here word of any of you by dawn, I will come out there to find you. "
Kili smiled, pulling Bella into his chest. Fili squeaked quite embarrassingly when his brother pulled him into the hug.
"I guess we can't stop you, can we? "
"Don't even get a scratch, okay? " she pleaded.
Fili, after a silent conversation with his brother, tugged a bead out of his hair. He dropped it into Kili's open palm where another one almost like it rested.
"Here. Take these, as a promise that we'll come back to you safely. " Kili murmured. He affixed them to the chain that resided around her neck.
She stared at them, tracing the runes. "What-"
"They were the first beads we ever made. " Fili explained.
Bella smiled softly. "Oh. But... Aren't they to be given to family? "
"Yes, they are. You're family, aren't you? "
After picking up his bow, Kili grinned and stepped out of the tent after the elves. Fili smiled, hugging Bella tightly before he too left.
"Stay safe, sister. " the blond dwarf whispered. Bella smiled up at him. Fili didn't refer to her as his sister as often as Kili did, which made it almost special every time he did.
"I will. " she promised.
Bella watched the last of her companions, the last of her family, march off to battle. A battle that, for many of them, would be their last.

Hello again! This chapter is shorter than normal, but the next one will be long af.
Chapter 25 is going to most of, if not all, of the Battle. Prepare for intense angst!
Thank you guys so so so so much for reading this and everything you do! It means so much to me every time someone comments or votes, so please continue to do so! <( ̄︶ ̄)> []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* ( ̄﹏ ̄) ( ̄ˇ ̄)

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