(1) Kidnapped

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"To be honest I wouldn't mind being kidnapped."

Those were the words that changed Aphmau's fate.


The park we sat at was huge. At the moment we were sitting and eating food at the top of the slides plat form. The only way down was from the slide or the ropes. Two exits and two entrances, one way to be trapped.

"What would you do if you were kidnapped today?" I questioned Katelyn.

"Um freak out? Who wouldn't??" She said nervously laughing.

"Hm well for me they better be hot. If they arent then I will be pissed." I said while pouting and crossing my arms.

"What the hell Aph? Wouldn't you be scared." Katelyn said.

"Em depends Id probs complain alot but if I was to be kidnapped today I want you to come with me, Please?" I asked giving her a puppy dog face.

Katelyn raised her eyebrow and seemed a little pissed. "If you get kidnapped today I'm not going with you."

"But what if were trapped? I mean two hot girls in a park all alone could be kidnapped." I said with a kitty smirk on my face.

"Okay Aph stop your actually scaring me." Katelyn said.

I giggled a bit and eventually we changed the topic. Finishing our chips we just kinda watched. Since the park was empty today we had it all too ourselfs. We could do anything we ever wanted. Until they showed up. I looked over a bit to see a group of boys walking into the park. I bit down on my lip and noticed they looked around our age, they were hot. I blushed at that thought and one of them caught my eye though. He was wearing a blue shirt and had blonde hair.

"Aph what are you looking at?" Katelyn asked.

"Um well a group of boys just walked into the park and they are hotttt." I said face still red.

Me and Katelyn both looked over and how nice because it seems they had to look over at the same time. I bit my lip and looked at Katelyn. From the corner of my eye I saw them all glance at each other and then head off. Two went by the slide and the other one came to ropes. One word poped into my head at the time.

"Kid..napped." I said while stuttering.

Katelyn looked at me strange and then looked around to notice the same thing. I grabbed Katelyn by the wrist and we went down the ropes. When we got down a boy with white hair and green eyes stood before us. We both looked him in the eye and I bit down on my teeth again.

"Hello." I waved.

We tried to step forward but he kept blocking our path. I growled at him and looked back at Katelyn.

"Goodbye." She said flashing a smile. She punched him in the head and he fell to the ground.

We ran down the stairs to get off and sprinted for it. I giggled as we ran for our lives. I looked back to see the other two boys chasing us. They were quick, so we had to be ever quicker. We ran up a hill to the basketball court and planned to lose them in the forest. I looked back as we ran and noticed they were getting closer. We passed the basketball court and ran. The two boys running after us was the guy that was really hot and some other guy with brown hair. He ran up to the basketball court and kept going straight. I looked over my shoulder again and noticed they were getting closer. Katelyn was slowly behind a bit so I grabbed her hand and ran up a hill on the other side of the court. When we reached the top of the hill I looked back one last time. What I saw was so teriffying, that I almost died of laughter. I looked back to see the boy with blonde hair face first on the ground. I fell on the hill dying of laughter. I looked back up still laughing to see the boy stand up. When our eyes meet I bursted into more laughter. His face was all scratched up and it seem he was wearing fake eyebrows and makeup. I laughed even more. They ran up the hill and stopped right in front of us. I stood up still laughing and wiping away my tears I slowly started to stop laughing.

"I don't wanna be kidnapped by someone who isn't hot." Katelyn said chuckling.

"At first I though you were hot but now damn was I wrong." I said still bursting with laughter.

They began to walk closer to us the blonde one taking the lead. I felt someone grip on my arm. I swung my head back and Katelyn started running while she had my arm.

"Ouch you can stop now." She let go of my arm and we darted for the forest. We found a small opening and snuck in. We were running to fast that we didn't notice the hill went down. Katelyn and I slide down the hill on our feet and landed on a railroad track. We ran down the railroad track to the left and ended at a dead end. We stopped and took a breather. My heart was beating fast. I stood there panting well putting my hand on my leg to hold me up. I tilted my face up a bit and noticed the two boys running in the distance. As they grew closer you could see them sprinting faster. They reached 10 feet away from us and stopped. They didn't stop on there own will they both fell to ground tripping over the track. I turned to look at Katelyn seeing her laughing her head off.

"Worst kidnappers ever." I mumbled.

"Agreed." Katelyn said well laughing.

They both stood up off the ground and dusted off there clothes.

"Oh no were in trouble now Katelyn." I said sarcastically well pretending to act scared.

"Oh no what will we do very intelligent kidnappers have got us cornered." She said well exaggerating the word intelligent.

We both chuckled and looked at them.

"We may be stupid but we have strength." The boy with brown hair said showing his muscles.

The boy in blonde took out a pocket knife and looked at us in the eyes.

"Strength then why use weapons if your so strong." I said laughing.

"Don't make this so difficult and be good girls." The blonde boy said well grinning.

I looked at Katelyn and I could sense the fear in her eyes. I touched her arm and she turned to look at me.

"Don't be scared I'm prepared for this kind of stuff." I said well my smile grew larger. I could feel my eyes twitching. I opened up my bag over my arm and took out a large pair shiny black and purple scissors. I looked at Katelyn and smiled.

"Aph I thought that was ...."
I cut Katelyn off before she could finish.

"A joke? Ha no." I glared at both of the boys and one of them pulled out a gun.

"You shouldn't bring a knife to a gun fight." The boy with brown hair said well smirking.

"You shouldn't bring a gun to a knife fight." I said. As those last words fell from my lip I jumped. I ran to the boy with the gun. I jumped on him. He was left in a state of shock and with that I took the gun and swung it to the side. I opened the scissors and placed them over his neck.

"Leave or he dies." I said eyes widen well my smile grew bigger.

"Garoth go ill be fine." The boy with brown hair replied.

"No Laurence I'm not leaving you." The boy named Garoth yelled.

"Well then he dies... say bye bye Laurence..."

"APHMAU WATCH OUT." I heard Katelyn scream.

As I turned my head I saw a figure jump up onto me. I dropped my scissors and felt something pressed against my forehead. In that moment I knew I was screwed.

Aarmau AU (Kidnapped)Where stories live. Discover now