(12) Stuck

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I ran after Aaron and we made it back to his room. I brushed all the tears out of my eyes and yawned. It was nearing night time now. I looked over at Aaron and he sat on his bed. He looked over at me and rolled his eyes. He motioned me to come over and I began to walk. Once close to him he grabbed my wrist and threw me into the bed. My heart was racing and I was blushing like crazy. I got under the cover and got as far away from Aaron as possible.

"Night." I yawned.


After a bit of day dreaming I drifted off to sleep.


I felt the light shinning brightly in my eyes. I opened my eyes and rubbed them. I tried to get up out of bed but something was holding me down. I looked over my shoulder and noticed Aaron embracing me. I blushed deeply and sinked back into the bed. I tried to sqirm out of his arms but each time I did he only hold me tighter.

"Aaron..." I whispered.

He was still sound asleep.

"Aaron." I tried whispered again.

No reply.

"AARON!" I screamed as loud as I could and he jumped out of bed.

When landing he pinned me to the bed and stuck a gun to my head.

"Well good fucking morning." I spoke rolling my eyes.

Aaron got up off of me and put the gun down. I got out of the bed and walked over the window. I took in a deep breath and looked outside. It was really sunny out. I backed away from the window and turned to Aaron. He turned around and looked at me.

"Alright so today is a day off from school." He spoke.

"Em but why? The week just started?" I questioned.

"Because tomorrow is when everyone begins training." He replied.

I nodded my head and walked over to him.

"I'm going to allow you to go outside today. By outside I mean explore the town." He spoke.

I squealed loudly in exciment. He put a hand over my mouth and continued,

"But you must go with the other maids. Do not wonder away from them. The town is very dangerous espically for humans."

"Why..?" I questioned.

"They don't like humans if that helps." He chuckled.

I growled at him and rolled my eyes. I walked over to the door and looked back at Aaron.

"See ya." I said.

I opened the door and ran out. Running down the stairs I tripped and fell on my face.

"You alright?" Someone questioned.

"Ya I'm fine." I replied.

I got up off the ground and noticed a few of the maids.

"You must be excited, hurry grab what you need and we will leave." She giggled.

I nodded my head and ran down the hall. I walked into the dressing room for the maids and put on a purple crop top with white shorts. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and I touched my ears. I really loved having cat ears. They looked really good on me especially the tail. I grabbed a bag and started shoving my stuff in it. My phone, money, gun, all the stuff I needed. I ran out of the room and to the other maids. We made our way out and hoped into the car.


We arrived in the town and got out of the car. I gasped in awe and was stunned by what I saw. There were many different types of creatures? Werewolfs Mefi'wa so many different people. But no humans non at all.

"Now we are going to have to go through the dark side of town becareful." One of the maids spoke.

I nodded my head and stood behind them. We began to walk down the street then eventually turning into an alleyway. As we walked down the alley people began cat calling us. I growled loudly and they shut up. We walked out of the alleyway and I almost fainted. My eyes went huge and my heart was beating fast. The first words I heard,

"Human for sale! Get your own human today."

I growled at that and looked around. I noticed someone standing on a badly made stage with a human tied up to a pole. It was a small girl, only but a child.

"Only 1000 dollars!" He yelled.

I bit down on my teeth and checked my purse. Shit only one hundred off. I looked over at the man and the girl.
Looks like I only have one choice. I walked up to the shity stage and looked up at the guy.

"Oh are you intrested?" He questioned.

"Why yes I am." I spoke smirking.

The little girls eyes filled with fear and once the guy looked away I gave her a reasurung smile. The guy turned back around and spoke,

"Would you like to have a closer look ma'am?" He questioned smirking.

I shook my head. What an idiot. Looks like I didn't even have to ask to take a look. I jumped up on the stage and looked at the man. He turned his back for a second and I quickly pulled out a gun on him. He turned around and also pulled a gun on me. We both seemed shocked but I backed up a bit.

"Stupid human wondering into these parts. Not even trying to hide it." He chuckled.

I felt my eyes go huge and I touched the top of my head. Shit no ears. Shit, SHIT I forgot to drink another postion. I pointed the gun at him and he chuckled.

"You wouldn't shot me."

I rolled my eyes and pulled the trigger. He screamed in pain and I heard people gasp in shock. I quickly untied the girl and lifted her up. I ran to the other maids and we all began to run. We ran out to the alley but I felt something hit my back. I fell to the ground and made sure the child was fine. I let her go and one of the maids took her.

"Run." I screamed, "Ill be fine."

The maids began to run with the little girl and I got up off the ground. I looked in front of me and noticed the man that I shot. Hebwas limping over to me.He pointed a gun and me and laughed. Others began to surrond me and I growled. I felt someone grab my arm. People began grabbing me. I was thrown to the ground and tied up. I felt myself being lifted off the ground and to the stage. I was thrown to the ground again and tied to the pole. I bit down on my teeth and the man chuckled.

"Humam for sale get your human for sale." He screamed.

I knew it was now over. No one could help me. I was just stuck.

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