(8) School

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"Em... hi.." I stuttered.

"You must be new right?" He questioned.

I shook my head and he looked me up and down.

"Damn your cute." He hissed.

I felt my checks heat up and he smirked a bit. He walked over to me and pulled me into his arms.

"Damn you smell sweet too."

"Em why are you smelling me?" I asked curiously.

"Thats how we claim our mates didn't you know." He questioned me.

"Em sure.." I replied with a fake smile.

I heard light foot steps approaching the tree and I looked down to see Ross. I pushed him away from me and jumped down to Ross. I hid behind Ross and hissed.

"You came back for me thank gosh Ross." I whispered.

"Max told me to give you this." Ross pulled out a small hand gun from his back pocket and gave it to me secretly.

I hid the gun in my pocket and smiled at the boy in the tree.

"Damn you really are shy. But that makes this more fun." He smirked.

The boy jumped down from the tree and approached me.

"Its nice to meet you my names Kai." He said with a small smile.

"Its nice to meet you as well my names Aphmau." I replied.

I stuck my hand out and he shook it.

"Your really cute in all but I guess we could be friends for now and see where that leads?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and nodded my head.

"Great ill show you to the Meif'wa classes." He smiled.

I smiled back at him and looked at Ross.

"Ill meet you in Aarons room after school." I whispered into his ear.

He shook his head and went off. I followed Kai and we walked to the back of the school. There was a few different buildings. There was a red, blue, purple, black, white, pink, and yellow building. We walked to the purple building. Kai opened the doors and inside were many many other Mefi'was.

"So tell me about this place." I asked Kai.

"Well its the same as every other school around here." He said.

"Em I was home schooled.." I whispered into his ear.

"Ohh I see." He stated.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me to a room. Opening the door the room was dead. No life in site. He directied me to a coach in the corner and I sat down.

"This place is much different than you could ever imagine. I think its best if you learn everything on your own rather than me tell you. When the times right Ill tell you." He smiled.

I smiled back but questioned him, "So em where are we right now then?"

"Oh no where special." He hissed.

He walked over to the coach and put his arms over me. He had me pinned to the coach.

"So tempting your smell just makes me want you." He growled.

He leaned in a bit closer but stopped when the door slammed open. I felt tears fill my eyes a bit hoping to trick the person who entered. Kai moved anyway from me and turned to the door.

"What are you doing here? This is the Mefi'was place. Get lost Mr Alpah Werewolf." He hissed.

I gigled a bit and saw Kais hand reaching back for me. I pulled out the gun Ross gave me earlier and shot his hand. I quickly shoved it back in my pocket and spoke,

"I thought you said we would be friends. I don't wanna be anything more." I growled loudly.

Kai fell to the ground and screamed in agony. As he fell I looked in front of him and felt my blood run cold.

"Oh hey... Aaron.." I whispered.

He walked up to my and rolled his eyes.

"What did you do?" He growl whispered.

"Nothing just shot him." I smiled.

I felt him grip my arm and he pulled me up.

"Who gave you a gun?" He questioned.

"I found it." I lied.

"Oh really? If your lying know ill hurt you so bad." He growled.

"Oh no the big scary wolf is gonna hurt me. Someone help." I giggled.

I got out of his grip and laughed a bit.

"Touch me again and Ill scream so loud and act like you sexually assulted me."

He growled lowly and I smirked.

"Good boy." I said.

He grabbed my hand again and slammed me to the ground. I coughed a bit and felt Aaron place his hand over my mouth.

"Not so scary anymore are you." He growled.

I squealed a bit and felt him nipple on my neck. I moaned a little and I almost screamed. What the hell is wrong with me. I heard him chuckle and he pulled away.

"You want more?" He smirked.

I shock my head  and he got up off of me.

"Good girl. Now your gonna obey me got it?" He growled lowly.

I felt reality hit me in the head again and I screamed. I heard foot steps rushing to the room and a tall girl with glasses appeared, the principal.

"He was bullying me!" I faked cried.

"You damn wolves I knew id regret keeping you. Get out before I call the higher ups." She yelled in anger.

Aaron walked away from me and growled lowly at the principal. He left the room and she approached me.

"You stay away from them got it I don't need anymore girls getting hurt." She said calmly.

I noticed something strange about the principal. She was human. She didn't have wings ears or a tail.

"Are you a human?" I questioned.

"Shit..." She muttered under her breath.

"It must have just woren off. Listen up now that you know you can't tell anyone understand?" She stated.

I shook my head and smiled in relief.

"So im not the only one few." I laughed.

"What do you mean." She asked in confusion.

"Well I'm a human as well. I just happened to end up here the ears and tail are just a potion." I giggled.

I saw her sigh and she dropped to the ground. She took out a small bottle from her pocket and opened it up drinking it all. After drinking it a pare of werewolf ears and wings appeared on her.

"What are you?" I questioned.

"A hybrid, thats the only way I could be a principal." She giggled.

"Ms Aphamu if you ever need anything let me know. Im glad to know im not the only poser." She smiled.

"How do you know my name?" I questioned.

"Please hun im the principal I know everyones name." She smirked.

She got up off the floor and walked to the door. She stopped in the door way and spoke,

"You know your pretty smart. Never met a girl who could shot a Mefi'wa. They have fast reflexs." And with that she disappeared from the room.

I giggled a bit and knew this school was going to be fun. Eventually I will escape from him.

Aarmau AU (Kidnapped)Where stories live. Discover now