(7) First Day

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I screamed at the top of my lungs and felt myself freeze.

"What the hell??" I questioned.

I saw him chuckle to himself and I jumped at him. I jumped on him pinning him to the ground and I saw my nails get sharper. I hissed at him and he pulled me into his chest. He flipped me over and I fell on my back. I groaned
in pain as he now had me pinned to the floor. 

"Bitch," I muttered.

He got up off of me and I stood up.

"School starts first thing tomorrow morning. I want you up by 6:30 and down stairs," He stated.

I rolled my eyes and felt something fly into my face. I growled and took the clothes out of my face. I put them on the floor and looked down in question.

"Thats your uniform." He said.

I looked at the uniform and it wasn't that bad. It was like the anime uniforms. It had a blue bow and was a skirt and shirt with both blue and white colours.

He grabbed my wrist and we slowly walked back up stairs.

"You can have the rest of the day off, ill see you tomorrow morning." He spoke.

And with that he left the room closing the door behind him. I walked over to his bed and slipped under the covers. I didn't have my own room so where else was I too sleep. I closed my eyes and waited to drift off into sleep.


I woke up to a hard smack to my face. I jumped and looked in front of me. It was the maid from yesterday. I hissed at her and showed my claws. I saw her eyes begin to glow red and I jumped at her.

"DIE!" I screamed as I landed on her pinning her to the ground.

She pushed me off and hit me to the wall. I groaned in pain and began running at her with incredibly fast speed. As I was about to hit her to the wall I felt an arm grab me and swing me down. I landed on my back and hissed in pain.

I looked up to see Aaron standing over me.

"What the hell do you think your doing.." He stated trying to stay calm.

"She hit me!" I screamed in angry.

"So what?" He growled.

"THATS ANIMAL ABUSE!" I yelled back.

"No its not.." He said once again trying to stay calm.

"Yes it is! Right now im an animal so its animal abuse!" I hissed.

"No its not your a human!" He screamed.

"So its human abuse!" I yelled back.

"Your not human? SO HUMAN ABUSE!"

I felt him grab my wrist and fling me at a wall. He began running at me and I ran past him opening the door. I ran out the door and down the stairs. I looked ahead to see Ross and Max.

"ROSS MAX HELP HES HUMAN ABUSING ME!" I screamed as I ran down the stairs.

I felt Aaron tug on my arm and I jumped up into the air. He let go of my arm and I landed behind Max and Ross.

"Human abuse..?" Ross questioned.

"Yes human abuse." I replied panting.

"Ehh okay then.." Max said.

I countinued to hide behind Max and Ross and Aaron growled at me.

"Just put on your uniform." He screamed.

"Neverr." I yelled in responce.

"Why did I ever help you??" He growled.

"Cause Im da hottest girl you ever seen!" I replied smirking to myself.

I noticed Aaron look down at his watch and he growled. He threw the clothes at Ross and spoke,

"This is now your job have fun beginning late for school!" He stated.

Ross turned to me and looked me in the eye.

"Please Aphmeow I can't be late for school." He said giving me puppy dog eyes.

I rolled my eyes and took the uniform. I began to take off my other clothes and change.

"What are you doing??" Aaron yelled.

"Changing? What else!" I replied.

"Don't look at me you pervert." I yelled.

Aaron looked away and as well did Ross and Max. I giggled and finished changing. They all looked my way again and I felt my checks heat up.

"Wait a second why am I listing to you?" Aaron questioned himself.

"I don't know." I replied.

He walked up to me and picked me up throwing me over his shoulders.

"Lets go."  He growled.

He walked over to the car and threw me into the back seat. Everyone else got in and we made our way to school.


We arrived at the school and I stared in shock. In front of me stood a giant castle. I saw cat girls in one place while demons and angels flew around. I saw Werewolfs breaking windows and Mermaids swimming.

"What the actual fuck.." I stated.

The car stopped in front of the school and Aaron hoped out. Right as he hoped out girls swarmed around him. I felt my mouth drop and I began laughing. Max and Ross looked at me like I was crazy. Aaron looked back at me and I stopped laughing. He began to walk away and Max and Ross hoped out. I sat in the car for a few minutes feeling a bit alone. I opened up the other car door and snuck out. I jump to a tree and sat in it. I looked down as I saw so many people.

"Hello." A deep voice said.

I jumped up and looked behind me to see a really cute Meif'wa standing behind me. He had orange hair and orange ears and tail.

Damn was he cute.

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