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9th Grade

Michael's POV

It was just typical school day here and I was walking to class with my best friend Calum, suddenly he stopped in his tracks.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Its a new student" Calum said pointing to a blonde guy at the lockers.

"So?" I asked rudely.

"So? We should go say Hi" Calum said. He always like making new friends, he practically knows everyone in the school but I'm glad that out of all the students in this school, he chose me to be his best friend.

"Fine...whatever" I said and we both went to the new boy.

"Hiiii!" Calum said with his cheery voice.

"Hey" The boy said in his deep voice and smiled.

"My name is Calum and this my best friend Michael" He said being so nice to him.

"I'm Luke. Luke Hemmings. Nice to meet you guys" He said looking at me and Calum, and I just groaned silently in my head. There's something wrong with him.

Calum kept on talking to Luke for a few more mins suddenly the bell rang. Longest few mins of my life.

"Well we got classes we'll see you at Lunch, Luke" Calum said and we both went to our perspective classes.

Luke's POV

I know I just came into this school but there's something wrong already and that is the people whom I've met. I'm not talking about Calum he seems cheery, active and a fun person to hang out. I'm talking about his best friend Michael, I swear there's something with that guy that makes me hate him. I know what you thinking, hating someone whom I just met, it's crazy I know but that's the feeling I'm getting from him. I think its best to ignore him and just hang with Calum after class.

If I'm hanging with Calum that means I have to try to put up with Mr. Grumpy which is Michael.


After classes I went to the Lunch room and as I got there I saw a table where Calum and Michael sitting there, Calum waved and I went to there table.

I got there and sat with them.

"Hi Lukey" Calum said smirking.

"Ahh have a nickname already, sweetie" I said cheekily and gave him a wink.

Michael's POV

What the hell were they doing?

He's stealing my best friend as well... I hate him already, but I'll keep this hate to myself and I also feel like he hates me as well. And that's the only thing we have in common hating each other.


The first two chapters are flashbacks and the rest will be the present so yeah :)

QOTC (Question of the chapter) - What do you think of the story so far?

Goal :) - 5 Votes, 5+ Comments

Please fan cause it makes me happy

If we achieve a goal I will update a next chapter :D Sounds goodie

goodie :)

Guys, it would appeciative, if you guys check my other fic "Living With 5 Seconds of Summer" xxx It really means al lot

Anyways, thank you so much guys for reading

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