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Dedicated to myhellismymind <3

Luke's POV

I got downstairs and saw that Calum and Ashton cuddling on the living room sofa, I think my Mom was making dinner.

"Ahem" I said making them look behind and there eyes full of joy.

"Luke!" They said as they ran to embrace me with a hug. A few seconds later after the hug, Michael came walking back down the stairs and I can see that his eyes were red, I tried to ignore him and not look at his upset face, he went to sit with Ashton on the sofa

"Hey babe" He said looking into Ashton's eyes.

Michael's POV

"Hey- Your eyes..there red, are you okay?" Ashton asked with concern.

"Yeah I'm just tired" I said fake yawning. The truth is after Luke and I kissed, I stayed in his room for a while and I cried, because I never knew Luke's been hurt because of Me and Ashton together and that he's been hiding his feelings for me this long time.

I am such an awful person.


After a week of Luke living with his Mom's he finally back at the band house but he's been keeping distant from me which means he hasn't talked to me ever since we kissed, and I'm kind of upset with that because I miss my Lukey..

Did I just say 'my'?

Luke's POV

I was so glad that I was home, sure living with my mom was good but I miss being with the lads. I went upstairs to unpack my luggage and when suddenly someone was standing at the door frame and you wouldn't believe who it was...Michael.

"Hey, can we talk?" He asked.

"There's nothing to talk about" I said ignoring his gaze.

"Luke, just look at me!" He said raising his voice which startled me and I looked at him

"What the fuck do you want anyway?!" I yelled as well.

"I'm sorry I've hurt you these past years and I'm sorry that I never knew that you liked me, you should have told me sooner." Michael said calming his voice down.

"I'm sorry too..Mikey" I apologized giving him his nickname

We hugged, the hug was so sweet but something happened which I didn't expect to happen...Michael kissed me. For the second time in just one week he kissed me. The kiss was full with love.. After the kiss I pulled him gently away and looking at his bright brown eyes.

"I'm sorry about that, I...just had to..." He said caressing my cheek, I love it when he does that...

Calum's POV

Me and Ashton were in the kitchen and heard Michael and Luke's argument but thankfully they stopped.

"Hope they fix there problems" I said as I was sitting in the kitchen.

"Yeah..." Ashton said before he walked and stood in front of me.

"Ash, what are you-" I was cut off when he slammed his lips against mine, I was shocked but I didn't wanna be rude so I kissed back and to be honest I liked...but he is with Michael.

"Sorry...Cal its just that I like you..." He said and I was in shock

"What?! What about Michael?" I said in surprised.

"Well I don't like him"


Surprised? Muke reunited, Ashton what? A lot more mayhem is happening and its just starting.

What do you think will happen next? Leave a comment below

And any 5SOS Bromance ships you want me to make after this fic?

Also vote because it is much appeciated. We reached 200+ votes on the story and I'm mega happy, My goal for this story is to reach 1000+ votes so yeah fingers crossed

Thanks for reading guys! Muke feels video on the side....Just watch xxx

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