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10th grade

Michael's POV

Another day, another year, another semester. Yup, were back to school again. But there is only less than a year before we graduate high school.

But through the summer vacation, I've changed my appearance and my personality is still the same.

As I walked into the halls again I saw my still best friend Calum, yes we are still close but he has been closer to Luke than me.

"Michael" Calum said cheerfully and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you Cal" I hugged him tight

"C-c-can't breathe" He said sounded like choking and I let him go laughing.

"Hey Cal" We both heard a voice and we looked back to see that it was Luke and from the looks of it he changed too during the summer holidays. He wore a red checkered shirt with dark skinnies and converse shoes, he also had a lip which I find very hot.

I know I said hot, you know why? Because I'm gay through out the holidays I was beginning to find out who was I as a person and I found out that I preferred guys more than girls so yeah. But I feel like people won't notice it I mean I haven't even told Calum about this yet.

"Lukey!" Calum said he also hugged him.

"I missed you" Luke said while there still hugging

"You too, and wow nice lip ring" Calum said gesturing to his lips

After that Luke turned to me, and I just realized how shiny his eyes were, were eye to eye.

"Hey Mikey" He said in the deep voice and there was also a deep seduction in his voice....

"Hey Luke, glad to see you again" I said while staring to his innocent eyes which are turning in to lust.

What's going on with him?

Suddenly the class bell rang and the 3 of us went our seperate classes

Luke's POV

Ahhh its so good to be back in school, seeing my good friend Calum again and his hot friend Michael...

Yeah yeah I know, I hated him throughout whole of 9th Grade but as I hangout with Calum everday I always check Michael and he

seems funny so yeah. I moved in to this school because I was bullied for being gay so yeah.

I also decided that I'm gonna tease Michael but...slowly step by step. Its like a revenge and some type of flirting as well. Let it begin.


After classes I went to lunch table where Michael and Calum sat and they were kind of arguing over something.

I was just looking at them arguing then they stopped and looked at me.

"Sorry, Lukey. We were just deciding on who's our lead singer for the band were creating" Calum said frowning.

"Hey I have an idea...Why not Luke join?" Michael said with a bit of joy to his voice.

"Yeah! I mean your YouTube famous, you have a good voice and yeah" Michael blushed it was adorbs.

I did thought about it, joining them. But it was quick thought my answered had to be a...

"Yes, I will" I smiled and hugged both of them.

Michael's POV

He's hugging me and Calum but I felt his left hand lowering to my ass and he grabbed it. I stood there stunned. This is gonna be a tough road being in a band with him.

We only need a drummer...


Today was the first band practice of our band 5 Seconds Of Summer, at Luke's house Me and Luke came up with the name, we have a video posted in our YouTube which original was hemmo1996

We heard a knock on the door and I answered it


I went to open the door when I answered it I saw the cutest boy ever wearing a purple shirt skinnies with a lot of bracelets at his left wrist.

"Hey" he said smiling. Oh my god this guy was so perfect

"H-hi I'm Michael come in and meet the rest of the guys" I smiled, fuck. Did I just stuttered?

He came in the room and met the other guys and I'm glad Calum picked this guy, I'm already impressed.

Luke's POV

I was glad that we have drummer in the band cause none of us can drum. And this guy was perfect. Calum did a good job but the bad thing is, Michael likes this boy that he just met.

Look likes I have to up my teasing game a bit.

Michael's POV

Band rehearsal was great we sang some Blink 182 songs and Greenday songs but I couldn't stop focusing on Ashton he's so hot especially when he smiles.

We finished rehearsal and I sat on the couch. Suddenly I saw Luke coming over to me and he sat on my lap which made me froze cause his ass was sittin' on my d*ck. He looked at me face to face and he whispered somethin' in my ear.

"Hey Mikey" He whispered with a hint of seduction and I just stared confused then he continued whispering "What's this thing on my ass? feels good" He moaned.

Then he stood up and walked away leaving me hard and confused.


Well that's the end of flashbacks. it will be in the present now.

I know its becoming like Mashton but don't worry it'll be Luke soon.

QOTC - Do you think in the present chapters Ashton and Michael will date?

Goal :D - 6 votes, 6 comments

Guys, it would appeciative, if you guys check my other fic "Living With 5 Seconds of Summer" xxx It really means al lot

Thanks for reading xoxo

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