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Ashton's POV

I was still sitting with Calum. Not trying to make it obvious that I'm with him. And you may have wondered if I forgotten about Michael, well hate me but yes. I did forgotten about him. I love Calum he's so kiwi and just adorable with his smile. And the new tattoes damn.

I look over to Michael and Luke who seemed to be cuddling, and I didn't mind. They were bound to be together anyway, it was obvious even me and Calum could see that and I'm pretty sure the fans and the Tumblr community knows.

"Were just gonna go out for a while, I feel bored" Michael said standing giving Luke a hand to get up. "Let's go outside for a while Luke" He said dragging Luke over outside of the door, they left so fast as if they were hiding something.

But then I thought of something and also realised that..Me and Calum are in the living room alone...No Michael and Luke. An imaginary smirk came in my head.

"Babe..." I whispered in his ear. "Luke and Michael are not  here...You know what that means right" I said right before I gave him kisses all over his neck.

"A-Ashton.." He moaned.

"Hey guys I just forgot-" Michael barged in unexpectedly making us freeze, "What the fuck?!, Ashton and CALUM! FUCK? WHAT SINCE WHEN?!"

"Michael let us explain!!" I begged.

"Explain what huh?, That you've been cheating all this time!!" He yelled and walked out of the door with Luke.

Luke's POV

I was waiting for Michael considering he forgot his wallet but then when he got out I suddenly saw him in anger and made worry a lot and I think he was tearing up as well.

"Oh my God! Michael, What happen?!?" I asked surprised.

"Ashton- he's-cheating on me" He said between sobs and wipe the falling tears on his cheeks.

"Oh my God, with Calum isn't he?" I asked and he answered with a nod. "That bitch!" I said highering my voice.

"Luke don't hurt him, I just need to get away from him" He said sniffing. I took his keys on his car and drove him to a park not that far away from here.

As I was driving I was looking at him at the same time, he was looking at the window with his eyes red and puffy.

We finally made it into our location the park, it always helps to calm me down. I sat him to a bench and comforted him.

"Are you okay Mikey?" I asked and he was just looking at the ground not answering my question

"Luke...can you answer this question for me?" He asked and his voice seemed nervous.

"Yeah of course Mikey, anything" I said letting him ask the question

"Do you love me?" He asked and that question made my heart pound and skipped a beat as well

"Yes your my friend Michael, Even though we were rivals in high school, Were best friends Mikey and I don't want it to break apart"

"But...do you love-love me?" He asked

"Of -c-course, I always loved you for real but then you were with Ashton and it tore me apart"

"Oh my god, Really? Since when?" He keeps asking but he seems to be getting better.

"Well It Started With A Band" I said focusing my gaze on him, I saw his head bringing closer, I did the same and before you know it we were kissing so sweet, thank god there was nobody in the park. We both pulled away and we were both shades of red on our cheeks.

"No wonder you did all those seducing" He said winking and I gave him a quick smirk before switching to serious mode.

"Yeah I love you okay, and I want you to be my boyfriend, Forgot Ashton...I love you Mikey" I confessed.

"I love you too Luke and I will be your boyfriend" He said and I kissed him again. So many things are happening

"Mikey, let's go back home. Also please forgive Ashton. I don't want any fights in the band."

"Fine" He said smiling at me and feels so warm, We stood up and went back to the car holding hands, we drove back to the house to restart everything about me and Michael

Ashton's POV

It's been an hour since they left and I don't know where they are, they never called back and I was getting worried. I look over to Calum with a worried look and I felt sorry that I brought him into this.

"Look Calum, I'm sorry. I'll tell Michael everything about us..promise"

Suddenly I heard the door open swing and they were back. Michael and Luke

"Michael, thank god you're back! Listen let me explain everything-" But I was cut off by him.

"Me first, Me and Luke are now together so yeah. And I wanna say sorry for overreacting" He said giving a small smile while looking at the floor.

"Omg that's great well, I got something to tell you as well...Me and Calum are together.." Michael didn't answer instead he gave me a warm hug and I cried tears of joy for his approval and before you know it we were having a group hug

"I'm happy for you" Michael said.


Hiiiii.........Updated :D How are you liking the story so far? Thanks for reading the story, we reach 10,000 reads xxx OMGEEE Please vote cause I wanna reach 1,000 votes :D

Also follow/fan cause it makes me happeh.

Check my other story "Living With 5SOS (boyxboy)" Its really good xD And I update that when I feel like it.


Thank you so much for reading xxxx I love love love you xxx

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