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Dedicated to donuthorans <3 xx

Ashton's POV

I woke up from the sound of Michael and Luke's laughing in the kitchen, I smiled at the sight of both of them once I walked in. "Morning guys" I said smiling while I was looking at Michael.

"Mornin'" Luke said with a lazy smile.

"Morning babe" Michael said before he gave me a passionate kiss on the lips, it was really, really sweet and hot but Luke was sitting infront of us, so I decided to stop it.

"Babe..Luke is here..so yeah" I said before gently pushing him away. And looked at Luke "Sorry about that" I apologised.

"Yeah..its okay" Luke said sounding upset,

"Are you okay?" Michael asked with a worried tone.

"What's bothering you?" I asked.

"It's nothing...anyways, I'm going to my room again..." Luke said as he went upstairs up to his room.

"I'm worried for him" Michael said frowning, I went into hugging him so I can comfort him.

"I know, I know. He's just not opening up to us, maybe its that bad..huh?" I said.

"Yeah it might be...I just hope that hurt doesn't end up hurting himself" Michael said while he buried his head on my neck. We are a really open band and I don't know why Luke has not been telling us his problems, I mean we always told to him that no matter we be open to one another, no matter how bad ir is.

Luke's POV

I just can't stand being in Michael and Ashton's presence its just too tough for me to handle...I  need to leave and go back to my family. Just for a while..So it can help me move on..I guess. I grabbed some clothes in to a small luggage. Once I was done, I went to take a shower and brush my teeth considering it was still morning.

Once all those things were done, I went to check if the coast is clear because I'm gonna try to sneak out. And it was so I grabbed my luggage and slowly walked out  downstairs. Thank God, that Mashton were still in the kitchen and Calum is still asleep. This is an easy escape. When I finally reached the door, I went outside and run to my car, I started to engine and drive, driving far away from here and from them...

Calum's POV

I woke up at like 1PM, didn't care anyway...cause were on vacation after the last tour we did. I went to go to Luke's room but he wasn't there. So I went downstairs to see Mashton so I decided on asking them.

"Morning guys! Where's Luke?" I asked curiously

"He's in his room" Ashton simply said.

"No he's not" I said starting to get nervous.

"What?" Michael asked in shock. and went to check the windows if his car was there.  "His car is not here"

"He ran away!" Ashton said who was also in shock.

"Oh my God, Why?!" I said almost raising my voice.

"I don't know..." Ashton shrugged.

"We have to find him" I said before we left to my car


DUN DUN XD Anyways guys! :D Finally updated this. Sorry if the delays. I watched TFIOS so I was emotionally wrecked so yeah. Also sorry for the shortness

So what do you guys think is gonna happen? I'm excited for you to find out.

So yeah make sure to comment, vote and fan me :D For more updates and new stories 

Thanks for reading guys ILYSM :) X <3

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