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Hey guys! Finally I'm back, Sorry about the delay so lets get this over with.


Luke's POV

I went in to my room crying eyes out, I mean I would have told my feelings to him, but I wasn't just  ready yet.  I felt scared of getting rejection and he might ignore me even more, but turns out its too late and its never gonna happen. Muke will be just a myth.

I got interrupted from my thoughts when I heard someone knocking on my door, I wiped my tears away and opened it

"Hey Luke-" It was Michael. Looking at me in shock and worry. He suddenly hugged me tightly

"Oh my Lukey, what happened?" He asked still hugging me.

"Its *sniff* nothing" I said letting go of his hug making me even more teared up.

"Is there anything I could do to help?" He asked. Nothing would help me.

"Just...just leave me alone.." I said slamming the door close to his face.

Michael's POV

Oh my goodness, what happened to Luke he was so torn?...I was gonna tell him about me and Ashton but I just saw him suddenly crying.

I went downstairs in a hurry to tell the guys and I everyone looked at me from my face reaction.

"Guys we have an emergency!" I yelled then everyone stood up on there seats.

"What is it?" Ashton said

"Luke's crying" I frowned, making Ashton hug me.

"What why?" Ashton said.

"I don't know" I said starting to cry as well my head buried in Ashon's neck.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to him" Calum said

Calum's POV

I went upstairs from Luke's bedroom and knocked. To be honest I didn't know why he was crying I mean Luke is a really cheery person and he would never ever get sad. I knocked once again but this time louder and he answered the door and judging from his looks he was fucking mess.

"Oh my god Luke, are you alright?" I said as I entered to his room.

"No and I need to tell you why I'm acting like this" Luke said sitting me down on the side of the bed. Luke trusts me just I like trust him so it was really great for him opening up to me.

"You heard about Ashton and Michael right? He asked.

"Yeah there together, Why?" I asked curious

"Well...I like him"


 QOTC: What do you think will happen throughout this story?

Sorry about the chapters being short its like that :D Also this is dedicated michaelsvans

Also guys check out the 2 NEW fanfics that I'm posting/posted! One is out the "Living with 5SOS" and a new which I will reveal soon after posting a new chapter of Living With 5SOS which is not far

Goal: Votes 8+, Comments 8+ :D

Thank you so much for reading xx Excited for summer, I promise I will get into my projects :D

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