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Luke's POV

I woke up and I was in Michael's touch and I just realised that today was the day we have to tell the management that were together...Holy cow, I'm scared and I'm also upset just thinking about it.

"Morning babe" I looked at above Michael and I saw him awake and stroking my hair and the purr to be honest cause it was sweet and relaxing.

"Mornin' are you ready to tell the managment?" He asked and all I answered was a nod. Truthfully I wasn't prepared, I'm really worried.

"I'm ready" I said and smiled. And we both got up and took a shower together.


So the boys and I decided to got to our management, and to be honest all of us were nervous. Were only telling our relationship and not Calum and Ashton's cause that's gonna be a biiig problem.

Were entered the building and got up to the elevator we pressed the highest floor and we saw the elevator doors opened. And saw our manager Adam.

"Morning boys, what a surprise" He said. And I can feel my heart pounding.

"Well we have something to tell you" Michael said stuttering.

"Okay go on" He said

"Me and Michael are together" I said while I held his hand tightening the grip for his answer.

"Well..All I have to say is I'm happy for you boys and I respect your relationship. But, the fans, Were gonna need a cover up to make it look like you guys are getting close. Only in public in private you guys are together" He explained.

We were happy but also sa cause we have to do a fake relationship, Louis did that to Harry when he had Eleanor.

"Well okay, I'll get a fake relationship" Michael said volunteering.

"Okay, I'll hire an actress to be your girlfriend, don't worry she won't be attached to you, Congrats again you too." Adam ended the conversation when he called on the phone.


Calum's POV

I was scared because that could be me and Ashton in the future and we don't wanna tell him now. They might seperate us apart.

"You okay Cal, you've been frowning all day eversince we got back" Ashton said putting his arm around me.

"I'm sad for Michael and Luke cause they have to not be together in public and Michael's fake dating someone" I sighed looking at him.

"Its okay, we won't be like that" He said and gave a sweet kiss. After that we broke apart and looked at each other and smiled.


Michael's POV

I woke up and heard a knock on our door step and I went to open saw a girl, brunette teenage girl

"Hi I'm Elena, I'm the actress they hired for you" She smiled.

"Oh shit" Luke said from behind and I never realised he had woken up.


There you go :D XXX This commences THE LUKE TEASING HIM YAAAS

Also a NEW CHAPTER on my LASHTON story and its the first chapter so check it out its veryyyy looong

So make sure to vote (goal 1000 votes and 50000 reads :D) also comment cause I love your comments

Also fan cause it makes me happy.

Thank you guys for supporting me, I feel happy

PS: QOTC, How many of you guys know I'm a dude?

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