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Dedicated to snuggleswithluke <3

Luke's POV

I made it to my parent's house door and knocked on it, In a matter of seconds my mom answered the door with worried-ness in her eyes.

"Oh my God Luke! What happened?" She said with sadness and I just reliased that I've been crying ever since I left the band house.

"I've been facing a lot of problems in the past week so I just some space" I said as I entered the house and went upstairs to my old room.

"Is it boy problems?" My mom asked as she place my suitcase on the side of my bed, and all I ever did was nodded and layed on my bed crying on my pillow

"Don't worry honey, you'll get through it, you just need time...please you need rest, You've been through so much"

"Yeah..just leave me alone please"

"Okay, I'll be downstairs if you need me" She said as she closed my door.

I am going through a lot of shit in my life and I don't know what I do to deserve this, I  mean I'm a nice person...

Michael's POV

We drove at a really fast speed, and we realised that Luke might have stayed in his parents so we decided that we went to see his parent's if he's there, so we got off the car and knocked on the door. Then suddenly Ms. Hemmings opened the door.

"Oh hello boys" She said with her voice sounding upset.

"Uhh Ms. Hemmings is Luke here?" I asked with hopw sounding in my voice.

"Yes, he's upset. He's crying in his room right now" She said and told us to come in.

"Guys. Is it okay if I talk to him alone please?" I asked and all of them nodded. So I immidiately rushed upstairs, and knocked on his door. He didn't asked who is it, he just opened the door.

"M-Michael" He stuttered.

"Hey, Lukey" I said as I entered his room and closed it.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as if he doesn't want to be found.

"We were worried about you Luke" I said giving a small smile but he was still ignoring me.

"So you should have just let me be" He almost raised his voice.

"Wha-What did we ever did to you?" I asked my voice getting angrier.

"NOT THEM YOU!" He yelled pushing me through a wall.

"What did I ever do to you?" I asked and I never realised that I was pinned against a wall.

"You..came into my life, and ever since then I have develop a crushed on you for the past 2 years and I'm ignoring you cause I wanna forget you and your with Ashton so its tough, tough to handle all this" He said crying again...his eyes are so red, he's been crying so much in a day as if there's any water left in his eyes.

"I-I never knew about this, I'm sorry Luke...I don't know what to say" I said. I held Luke's chin, and made him looked at me. I tried wiping his tears with his thumbs and I stroke his chin, he was relaxed in my touch.

"I-I love you" He said before he kissed me, I was shocked but I kissed back, the kiss was so slow and sweet, but within a few seconds it went fast and have passion but the kiss also had need, anger and pain. We stopped after a 2 minutes of kissing.

"You kissed me.." I said still shocked.

"I'm sorry" He said before he went downstairs to see the guys.

I still can't believe he kissed me.


WOW OMGEE RIGHT? I finally managed to update, thanks guys for this support. I Love You Guys!

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Thank you so much for reading :D Finally reached 2000 reads! Really thanks a million :D

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