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Dedicated to pinkypie_clifford I LOVE YOUR MUKE STORY <3

Luke's POV

I woke up next to Michael and I just realized that were together and we can finally be in peace. But the management and the whole world doesn't know it yet so...Damn.

"Hey Lukey, whatcha thinkin'?" My thoughts were snapped when I saw Michael woken up. I saw him looking cute when he's awake.

"I was just thinking how would the fans and management and fans react though" I sighed looking at him upset and I can see he was sympathetic.

"Look Luke, no matter happens we'll still be together. Were a double infinty. Our relationship never ends. You have to stay positive and everything would go well" Michael said before he gave me a morning kiss.

He thought that the kiss was just a quick peck...No. I'm not afraid to take it even further. I started kissing him even more passionately, I started asking his mouth for entrance and he gladly allowed me and I suddenly felt him getting hard below and I gave a smirk to him as we broke away for air.

 "Little Michael seems excited" I whispered giving a smirk.

"You need to fix this now" Michael growled pinning me down on the bed.

"My pleasure babe"

Calum's POV

I was thinking about Michael's and Luke's coming out to the managment tomorrow. I mean how would they react.

"What are you thinking Cal?" Ashton asked looking at me with a worried look.

"I was just wondering about Luke and Michael's coming out to the management, I'm feeling afraid and worried for them" I sighed giving a frown.

"Look babe, the management will accept and so will the fans so we gotta relax" He looked at me with caring eyes. And that just gave me a smile.

"I love you" Ashton said cupping my face

"I love you too" I said and the next thing you know we started kissing sweetly, I love him.

After we kissed for like...5 minutes. We went cuddling and the next thing you know we fell asleep.


Guys sorry for the short chapter :(

Hope you guys liked it tho. :D

Make sure to vote cause of the goal xx and make sure to comment for feed back

Also fan cause it makes me happeh.

I love you guys xxx

I will update "Falling for him / Lashton" tomorrow hopefully (Please support it ) :D XX

Byee guys.

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