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Dedicated to xThunderbot x <3


Calum's POV 

"You like who?!" I yelled while my jaw was dropping, and Luke made me shushed.

 "I  like Michael...So yeah" Luke said weakly. Still wiping his tears away.

"Really? Since when?" I asked eagerly. Look I know that I sound like I'm acting like a freaking girl but I really wanna know because when we met Luke during the 9th Grade they hated each other like they might kill each other. I'm surprised how he liked Michael.

"Well everysince we became 5 Seconds Of Summer, that's when I started liking him" He said and I think I saw a shade of pink on his cheeks

"Ohhh" I smirk 

"Don't tell Ashton and especially Michael, he would probably would hate and I don't wanna break the friendship we have" Luke said begging.

"Don't worry" I smile, pinching him. "I ship Muke rather than Mashton" I smirked again making him smile. "There's that smile" I said.

 "Thanks" He said and suddenly Michael and Ashton came in the room

"Oh my God, Are you alright?" Ashton said. 

"Yeah I'm fine, Thanks to Calum" Luke said smiling to me.

After we this conversation we had Luke went to sleep, leaving me watching TV, and Mashton in there bedroom doing...stuff

Luke's POV

I woke up from the smell of bacon and eggs downstairs, I went into the kitchen and saw that Michael was the one cooking breakfast. 

"Morning Luke" He said in a rather cheerful voice.

"Hey" I said weakly.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm doing fine" I said, but fine means I'm not doing any good, I'm torn, depressed and everything started because of you.

"Well I made you breakfast, so eat up!" He said a smile still on his face, and placed a plate on the table.

I took a bite of the juicy bacon and it tasted so delicious, it was so good that it made me... "Mmmm"

"I can see you like it" He smirked. And all I ever did was nodded.

I don't know what i would do, with this. I wanna avoid Michael so I can forgot him, but I can't cause were a band together....What the hell should I do?


Hey guys for the mega shortness, I like keeping it really short. So sorry. Thank you guys for reading, Much appreciated.

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