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Luke's POV

It has been nearly 3 years since 5 Seconds Of Summer was formed and through out those three years we have been really busy, because of touring a lot of different countries that we never even visited before.

So its really tough for us to live a normal life now, unlike before it was quiet now we get adored by screaming fans who listen to our music that we write. And we still appreciate that

"Ughh I'm bored..." Michael groaned from the couch.

Your probably still wondering if I'm still liking Michael? Well... Yes, yes I still like him but as time flew by I've really changed my ways of flirting unlike back in the 10th Grade when I seduced the shit out of him. Now its like how a girl flirts with a guy...but better and manlier. And me and Michael are really close now, but not just me and him, All of us. We have a grown a close brotherly bond.

"Are you bored, Mikey?...." Ashton asked as he sat next to him, Michael nodded with a pout as a reply "...Then what do you wanna do?" He asked being sweet to him.

It has been nearly 3 years Michael met Ashton and I feel like he still has a crush on him...

But Ashton can't have Michael

He's mine

And I'm getting him one way or another

Michael's POV

Our band is doing great for the past 3 years and if you may haven't know this but I have been crushing on my bandmate Ashton Irwin. Yes, The drummer Ashton. I think I started liking him when I first met him in our first band practice. He was just cute and perfect and I might tell him about how I feel about him later cause I need to let him cause its been such a long time and I need tell him now.

Now let's talk about Luke and how all those years we've been in a band he's been such fucking tease, I swear. Sometimes he stops teasing for a couple of days then he just attacks back you know. I dont know to deal with that but I guess I just had to live with it.

The guys were getting hungry so decided to order KFC and once it arrived we all sat at the table and had our meal with conversations but mainly my focus was on Ashton.

"Don't hog the chicken Mikey, you look a zombie" Ashton said smiling making me blush a bit

"So meeaan Ashy" I said in cute voice giving a cute pout to him.

"But your too cutee to be a zombie" He said making go full red.

I wanna tell him now.

"Guys save the lovey dovey talk for later okay?" Luke said feeling annoyed

"Sorry Lukey" Ashton said frowning.

Once dinner was done Luke and Calum stayed in the living room watching some TV while I went to the my bedroom cause this it...

I'm gonna tell him...

I left the door open behind in my room and Ashton sat on my bed looking at me eye to eye

"So what do you wanna talk to me about? He asked puzzled

This is it

"For the past 3 years I've been crushing on you,. and now I like you..." I said nervously, I looked at him waiting for his answer, isnt he gay? Will he hate me? I was wrong, but instead he was smiling and giggled.

Was it something I said? Is he making fun of me.

"Ohh Mikey, I've been waiting for you to say that because...I like you too" He said with that adorable smile.

"Really Ashy? then prove it" I said then he suddenly kissed me, it was so sweet and slow.

Luke's POV

I was wandering where Michael and Ashton was and I went upstairs suddenly I saw Michael's room was open I peeped and saw them kissing which tore my heart, and I went to my room, locked it and cried


QOTC - What did you think about Mashton?

Luke's sooo sad :'( Dont worry it will get better, This will be Muke

Goal : 7+ Votes , 7+ comments

Thank you for reading this chapter :))

Miggy xoxo

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