Chapter 5

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I stay quiet throughout the whole lessen hoping no one will notice me but because I talked back to that girl everyone is looking at me like they expect me to say something else. When the teacher took the roll, it seemed like everyone was waiting for my name to be called so they knew my name or something it was very strange. I keep catching glares from that girl but she all ways looks away when I meet her glance.

Finally the bell goes and everyone starts to leave but the teacher calls my name an says "Indiana, please stay back I have to talk to you" I notice that almost the whole class tries to walk as slow as they can so they can hear what the teacher has to say but the teacher shoes them away and closes the door. "indiana I know the thing that happened at the start of the lesson wasn't your fault but there was no need to say something back, I don't want to be having this convosation with you because I'm glad you said it but it's not behavior I want in my class room ok?" astonished I nod and wait for her to go on but she just turns around and sits at her desk then looks up at me and says "you can go now have a good day indiana" I turn toward the door but then turn back to the teacher and said " can you please call me indie" and walked out of the classroom.

The hallway was empty so i left out a deep breath and rub my eyes, " what did miss say?" asked a familliar voise I turn to see mason leaning against the wall beside the door I smile and say " just telling me not to be rude to other students" he smiles and says "you should really smile more it makes you look even more beautiful" he blushes, and I stare at him Trying to work out what he just said when he says "have any to hany out with?"

I look at my Shoes and say "no" he smiles and says "come with me" reaching to grab my wrist again but he stops himself and looks at me I laugh and say "i really don't mind" he smiles

Again and grabs my wrist and leads me to the quad.

We walk through the crowd until mason finds who he is looking for but as we are walking threw the crowed people are staring at us and whispering and I get sudden urge to stick my tongue out at them. The group mason was looking for is made up of about five girls and 3 boys who seem pretty close with eachother especially a girl with long black hair and a boy with messing blonde hair who seem to be trying to swolling eachother and the others are laughing and saying stuff like get a room. Mason stops before before we walk over to the group and turns to me and says "dont worry they will really like you most of them are in our class and saw what happened with ava so they are already curious about you and oh the red heads are a tad mental but you will come to love them" he says and he turns and walks up to the group dragging me behind him and clears his throat the couple stop kissing and they all look at mason with eyebrows raised, "hey guys this is Indiana she is new" he says sounding proud of himself for some reason

"hi Indiana it's nice to meet you I'm Alice" says a very pretty redhead "that's Lauren" she adds pointing to a girl with short blonde hair "and thats Emma" she says pointing to the girl that was making out with the blonde boy and

that's bell she says pointing to the brunette "hey" the girls say at the same time. Mason speaks up " that Ryan" he says pointing at the blonde boy holding Emma around the waist "and that's Jay" pointing to a brunette boy who is smiling at me with a great big goofy grin "and that's mike" pointing at another brunette who smiles at me then goes and gives me a big hug which makes me start laughing and then proceeds to picking me up spinning me around then putting me back down and holding my shoulders so I don't fall over. "mason" he says looking me up and down an then puts his and on my stomach and says "when's it due"

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