Chapter 10

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After about 20 minutes of that we went downstairs and sat in the kitchen, I look at my phone and read the time which is 12:30 and smile because we still have ages till I'm expected home but the I think about school and about the teachers and... oh no my brother Nate what if he noticed I wasn't at school and what about masons friends first I run off crying then mason and I jig together what will they think of me. as if reading my mind mason says "my friends will completely understand about what happened you know so you should stop looking like your going to throw up all over the floor" I smile and hit him in the arm, he laughs and then says "your very good at distractions you know" I look at him puzzled and say "what are you talking about?" he laughs again and says "you were supposed to explain about this whole miscarriage thing" he says his laugh dying down when he sees the look on my face "are you sure you want to know because I don't want to freak you out or make you think poorly of me" I say trying to keep my voice clear. he reaches for my hand by I pull my hand away looking him in the eye expectingly, he takes a deep breathe and says " indie I like you too much to think poorly of you but if you don't want me to know I completely understand" a bubble

Of hope boils up inside of me about how he said he likes me but he hardly even knows me and this could be a make or break situation this could help me diside to trust him but then I think who cares just tell him. I take a deep breath and say "get comfortable boy I'm about to tell you my life story...

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