Chapter 34

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As we continue making out passionately my mind starts to wonder to random stuff like is the door locked, what are our mums doing, do I have Any assignments for school etc and it's getting on my nerves.

I push the thoughts away and try to Focus on my incredibly hot boyfriend who I am making out with at the moment, "I love you" mason whispers Against against my lips and shifts his body so his hips are between my legs I wrap my legs around him and arch my back so there is no space between us,

he groans and cups the side of my face with one hand and place his other on my lower back just above my butt.

"I love you too" I reply my voice quiet not wanting to wreck the moment but feeling like I had to say it back, mason pulls his mouth from mine and looks down at me with those big blue eyes "truthfully?" I smile and hook my arms around his neck pull his face to mine so our noses touch

"truthfully" his smile goes from one ear to the other, this makes my heart melt and I kiss him hard one the lips then gently on the nose I unhook my legs from his Hips and play hard to get.

He tries to reach for me but I wriggle out from under him and jump on top of him, laughing my arse off, he turns underneath me and starts to tickle I yelp and spring off him and he laughs and reaches a hand out towards me and smile on his face "truce?"

I grab his hand and pull him off balance and say "no way man"

he gives me a devilish grin and tackles me onto the bed this time he is sitting onto of me with his legs stratling mine.

He ducks his head and kisses my neck sending shivers down my spine I shove him of me and walk over to my door and look back at masons confuses face,

I smile and lock my door and casually walk over to Mason.

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