Chapter 1

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I stood outside my new dorm, hand shacking, sweat coming from my forehead. Nervously, I opened the door only to reveal a boy getting at it with some girl.

You're probably thinking why I'm currently in this position. Well let's stop and rewind.

Waking up to the sounds of birds outside my room I woke up happily like the morning person I am and opened my window welcoming the fresh air.

Okay no that's a total lie at least that's how I imagine waking up

Waking up to the sound of kids yelling over the bathroom and who's turn it is to do the chores, I groaned getting out of bed with a slight headache from the yelling, I went to the bathroom downstairs since it was still summer I was not planning on going anywhere anytime soon so I stayed in my pajamas, sue me for being a lazy ass.

You're probably wondering who the hell are these kids or you probably don't give one shit about it but I'll tell you anyway.

Those kids aren't my siblings no, in fact I don't even have a house, I live in an orphanage. I lived in here since I was ten, my parents passed away when I was nine going through ten and as most of you know going through double numbers is something very important and every kid would be very excited to be ten.

I was one of those kids my parents had a meeting to go to so they said they were going to be home and they promised. I waited and waited and waited it was almost eleven at night, the time I was born and still they weren't here so I just sat there waiting for them to come home but they never came.

The next morning I was woken up by someone knocking on the door I thought it was my parents so I opened the door only to see police officers, they informed me that my parents were dead, in this moment I knew my whole life was going to change... for the bad. I had to move to an orphanage because there was no one that could take care of me, I had no family.

Yes my birthday wasn't so exciting after all but I managed to live in the orphanage, shit happened here... a lot actually but I never gave up I waited the day I became eighteen to feel free and live my life and now is the time.

August 22 2008~ my parents death and my tenth birthday.
Now August 22 2017~ my eighteen birthday and my parents ninth year of death.

Yeah today is the day I finally feel free but I also feel like there's nobody to feel proud of me that I made it to University, sure I have friends here but that doesn't cover up the need of my parents to be with me for this special moment.

I sighed making my way to the kitchen Ms. Lillian was in there preparing the table for breakfast like usually I helped her but didn't eat I just don't like eating breakfast, and no i'm not starving myself.

Making my way upstairs Lillian called my name

"Melody I need to tell you something" Uh-oh, I swear I didn't do anything bad.

"Good or bad?"

"You decide after I tell you"


"So we received a letter this morning..." she said handing me the letter, I opened it slowly, it was from the university I applied to.

" and you got accepted" At those words I hugged her for dear life and we started cheering.

I was so happy I got accepted in UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), I worked so hard to get accepted into this Uni and now my dreams are coming true, I won't lie getting into UCLA was hella hard, I studied day and night and things got a little bit easier when I got a scholarship, they said on their page that they would give a scholarship to only a few people who got 4.1 GPA so I was lucky because I had a 5.0 GPA but I still studied hard.

"but there's also bad news" I frizzed in my spot.

"what? what is it?" I asked wanting to know fast

"Well... you have to share a dorm with a boy"

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

if you haven't already guessed I'm not a very sociable person and specially when it comes to boys, I don't even know how to speak when I'm around them nor know how to act, I just become red all of a sudden.

Sure I had a boyfriend before but things ended badly and I never spoke to the opposite gender since that day, I was nervous as hell but I could do this, I had worse positions in my life, that was nothing.

"I know I know and I'm sorry I tried calling them before you wake up and change your dorm but they said it was the last dorm and you got lucky you found one" I sighed knowing I had no other option

"Don't worry I'll manage it somehow, when will I be leaving?"

"In a week"

"Okay, I'll start a packing then" I was making my way to my room when my little friends from here decided to show up.

"Melody, you're leaving us?" One of them, his name was Michael, he was still five, they were all like my little siblings.

"yes bud, I'm really sorry but it's time for me to go to University"

"What is that?"

"That's a place you go to when you become 18"

"Do you have to go?" Sam (short for Samantha) said with big eyes that held tears in them.

"Yes kiddo I have to, but I promise I'll visit every weekend on Saturday"

"Pinky promise?" Maria asked helding her pinky finger.

"Yes pinky promise" I said as we connected our pinky fingers.

"Well guys I have to go pack my stuff, I'll see you later" I said then got inside my room to start packing.

I know one thing for sure, leaving the orphanage is going to be hard.
°°one week later°°

" bye guys I'm going to miss you" I said hugging each and every one of them.

"We will miss you too Melody, don't forget to visit us sweety" Lillian said

"I won't forget, I promise" I said hugging her one last hug.

"Stay safe and don't do anything stupid" She said winking, I rolled my eyes chuckling a little.

"Alright bye now" I got inside the taxi with my belongings heading to my new university.
And that my friends is how I managed to get in this situation, seeing my new roommate with some girl. Talk about first impression.

Hey guys hope you liked it, if you did please don't forget to vote it would really mean a lot, i'm currently working on another story that I think you'll like more than this one, thanks for the support guys I love you ~Maya

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