Chapter 19

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I think i'm falling for you...

*Melody P.O.V*

I said it, I finally said it! Wait, why did I say that? What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he thinks we're going too fast with this? Ugh you're so stupid, Mel!

Shut up Mel, you don't know what he feels so I suggest you shut the fuck up or i'm going to hit you with your own arm.

Geez, you're violent

Yeah, I know I learned from the best.

I suppressed rolling my eyes at my self as I was too nervous while waiting his answer, when I finally looked at him, he had a huge grin on his face.

"What?!" I asked in disbelief.

"I didn't quite catch what you said earlier, your voice was low" what?! Ugh! Now I have to repeat my self, this is so embarrassing.

"I'm falling for you" I said a little louder so he can hear me.

"What? I didn't hear that" his grin was even bigger than before but he looked so hot...

"I'm falling for you" I yelled so he can hear me clearly this time, but then I realized what he was doing and I turned red from embarassement.

How could he do that to me? It's my first time confessing to someone and he's making fun of me! Great, just great...

Well, you were too stupid to realize it in the first place.

Shut up, you're just making it worst.

I crossed my arms under my chest while he was laughing at me.

"Stop it, its not funny" he didn't listen, he continued laughing... Harder! 

What was his deal? Why is he acting like this? What if he's just playing with feelings? What if he didn't like me?

Stop it Mel, you're hurting yourself with those thoughts.

But what if it's really the case?

My eyes started watering at the thought of being played by someone you really like, so I got up and faced him I wasn't going to run away from my problems, I need to know the truth.

"Stop it! I don't find it anywhere near funny, it was my first time admitting to someone that I like him and you're making fun of me, you're laughing at me, do you really have feelings for me  or are you just playing with my emotions because if you are, I won't handle this shit -"I was cut off my rambling and was met with a pair of lips, I struggled to get away from him, but he was stronger than me so evatually I gave in, I hate my self for being this weak in front of him but I couldn't help feeling like I needed his lips on mine, his lips were my addiction,  ever since we kissed that night, I've been feeling the need to kiss him, he just  left me wanting more, his kisses were full of passion and desire they were slow and held so many meanings to them, and I couldn't take it, it was too much to handle, everytime I feel my legs shacking like they would give up on me any second, that's why I wrap my arms around his neck to steady myself, but then I find myself playing with his soft brown hair, and this time it was no difference but this time his hands help up my face and kissed me with so much passion like there would no tomorrow.

We were losing oxygen so we broke the kiss slowly then started panting heavily. But when he looked at me his face showed an incredible emotion and for the first time I knew what it is.

It was love, he looked at me with loving eyes which literally took my breath away, that's when I realized I love him, and I was sure of it...

"I love you" we both said at the same time, we looked at each other then burst out laughing, then Corbyn wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me closer to him.

"I love you, you don't even know" he said looking directly into my eyes.

"I love you, I really do" then I pecked his lips, at this moment I didn't care about care about other people, I don't care what they will say about us, or if they approve or not, I didn't care about anyone except this amazing guy standing in front of me.

All of a sudden, Corbyn got on one knee and took a box from his pocket, I looked at him with wide eyes

"I wanted to say this and I've planning it for a while now... Will you marry me? " it took me a moment to adjust what he just said

"Yes yes and yes" I said placing my hand on my mouth before hugging him tightly.

Nah, i'm just kidding but I wish... A girl can dream.

When he got on one knee he said

"I know i'm not the most romantic person on this planet but i'm trying so will you be my girlfriend and accept this promise ring from me? " he said it so sweetly that I swooned

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend" I said tearing up but when he opened the box a beautiful diamond ring was in there. I was sure as hell it costs a fortune!

"Corbyn no, I won't accept this, there's no way in hell"

"But why?" He frowned

"Look at it! It screams money, I won't wear it, what if something happened to it, what will I do? But also I said I don't want your money, I don't care about money Cor!" Corbyn just looked at me with sad puppy eyes.

"Please Mel, just this one, please for me, it would make me really happy" looking at him like this made my heart ache so I sighed

"Just this one, please no more gift like these, deal? "

"Deal" he said as he slipped the ring in my finger and kissed me one more time.

"Wait just one more thing" I said to him

"What? " he responded looking down at me

"When did you get that ring? " I asked confused then I saw his face form a goofy smile.

"Well I wanted to ask you this for a week or so... But now was a perfect time so you know the rest" he said scratching the back of his head while his cheeks turned into a light pink

"Awwww, you're so cute"

"I'm not cute, i'm hot" he said grinning widely at me

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say Mr. Cocky" I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled.

"Now let's watch descendants 2" he said then flopped on the couch

"YES" I yelled while putting the CD.

It was the greatest day of my life and i'm sure I won't forget it as long as i'm alive...

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