Chapter 16

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*Corbyn P.O.V*

"Father, i don't want to go to Tokyo, i want to stay here until i finish University" as i said that i saw my father laughing with no humor at me.

"you think you have another choice, you make me laugh son" I knew better than to be angry at him so i sat back with easiness showing in my eyes.

"and what makes you think i will do as told?" I said smiling at him, he seemed taken back so i continued "For all you know, i can disobey you and do whatever i want with my life, but i won't, so i suggest you let me stay here until i finish University"

"Son you don't understand, we don't have anyone else we trust to direct this huge company in Tokyo, our only option left is you" he said frowning "But i have an idea"

"and what is it?" i said looking at him curiously

"I'll let you finish this year in University then you'll leave to Tokyo" Well at least it was better than leaving in two months "Do we have a deal?"

"Deal" i agreed than we shook hands.

"Oh and corbyn"


"I know you want to stay here because of a girl" he said winking at me.

"Dad!" I wined and he laughed halfheartedly

I like this side of my dad.

"Oh come on! I'm happy for you son really and I'm sorry I have to send you to Tokyo but try not to let her get too attached to you, she will be devastated when she knows you're leaving"

"I know dad, I'll see what i can do and thank you for your advice" After this we shared a hug then i walked out.


*Melody P.O.V*

"No! Please, don't do this to me Aiden I will do anything you want, just please don't leave me" I tried out loud "Nah, to cliche" I said to myself.

if you guys didn't figure out what I'm doing, then I'll tell you. I'm writing a story called "Marked by the mafia" and well I was trying out loud what should I write next, yeah i like to live the moment.

As i was about to continue the door bell rang, I placed the laptop on the sofa and walked to the door.

"Who is it?" I yelled so they could hear me.

Just a tip before we continue, kids and teenager or whatever age you are DO NOT open the door to anyone without asking who this person is, it could be a robber or a killer for all you know. Now back to the story.

"Your two favorite people " I heard Zach yelling in a girly voice from the other side, my eyes widened as I quickly opened the door, and engulfed them both in a hug.

"I missed you guys so much, a lot happened since you were gone" I said grinning at them.

"We missed you even more Mel" Jax said

"And tell us what happened" Zach said grinning

"First come inside" They both did and we all sat in the living room.

"So what were you doing?" Jax said eyeing my laptop.

"Nothing just writing a story"

"Okay now tell us everything" Zach said impatiently

I told them everything and when i was done Zach screamed in a high pitched voice.

", I'm so happy for you gurl" he said it like a basic white girl and i laughed at him, tears started rolling down my cheeks and i couldn't breath anymore, count on Zach to make you laugh so hard.

"So tell me guys how was your trip?" I asked after i stopped laughing, they both looked at each other then grinned looking at me.

"It was awesome" they both said at the same time.

"Oh boy, what did you guys do?"

"Well we kinda played a prank on a group of girls"

"And we kinda made them furious"

"And we kinda let them start a fight with each other" They said smiling sheepishly at me.

"What? How did you do that?" I said laughing at them.

"Well they were talking and pointing at us, and every time we passed past them they giggled" Zach started

"And you know us, we don't like these type of girls they makes us sick" Jax continued

"So we walked toward them and started talking, after that we just i talked to one of them and told her she was pretty then said the same thing to another girl and jax did the same, so they started fighting who will take jax and who will take me" Zach explained

"Then we just left them fighting, our job was done" Jax finished, I stared at them then another round of laughter passed.

"You guys are geniuses, I wish I was there to film everything"

"We filmed it, we thought you wanted to see it, so here you go" Jax said giving me his camera.

"Thank you! I'll make a copy of it and place it in my camera" I said grinning wildly.

After that we just layed in the living room watching 'The Thinning' since i love Logan Paul until the door opened and Corbyn came inside the dorm.

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