Chapter 8

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*Three weeks later*

"ZACH! Put that down or I swear to God I will rip you in two pieces"

"You can't make me" he said running behind Corbyn who was laughing his ass off.

"Oh so you're enjoying this too, okay then no more food for you young man" I said glaring at Corbyn.

If you're wondering what's going on then I shall tell you... These two idiots are laughing because I've been chasing Zach around for taking my last pizza slice while Corbyn and Jax are laughing their ass off.

Corbyn approached me slowly with a dangerous look on his face "young man huh? Babe I'm older than you" I raised an eyebrow at him "How do you know that?"

"When is your birthday?" He asked getting closer but I kept my coolness.

"8 August 1998"

"What?! Damn! You're the same age as Shawn Mendes, why can't I be in your place?" Zach cried out.

"I know right! I've been fangirling over it since forever" I said excitedly to Zach forgetting completely about Corbyn. Well, what can I say? Shawn takes my mind away, wait not just that he can have all of me anytime he wants.

"Uhm" Corbyn cought with a smirk on his face.


"My birthday is 6 August 1998"

"What? How? Why?" I cried out

"See I'm older than you"

"There's just two days between us, two fucking days"

"Still I'm older"

"Fuck" I said under my breath.

"Uh guys, not to be a party pooper or anything, we still have homework to finish" You see Jax is the responsible one in our little group, Zach is the childish one, Corbyn is the athletic one and I'm... Well I don't know but I'm sometimes responsible and sometimes childish but I guess I'm the badass-nerd-you-don't-mess-with, all in all we all get good grades thanks to Jax who's serious about school and is like our mother.

"Okay let's finish this shit" I said and walked back to the couch.


"Why can't this fucking shit solve it self" I cried out

"Come on there's only one problem left" Jax said encouraging me.

"I give up, I still have an S.A to do about what kind of love last longer or some shit like that" I told them

"Yeah, I still haven't started on it yet" Zach said since we were in the same class.

"Me either, do you have any ideas?"

"Nope, I mean I haven't been in a true relationship, I did have parents love but that doesn't count-"

"It does count, you can actually enjoy seeing your parents, fight with them, see them tease you, take pictures of you before prom and all that crazy shit parents do" I cut him off

"But you have your parents so you know that subject is boring" he said, I completely forgot that I lied to them, but if we're going to continue be friends and seeing that we're already close then I need to tell them.

"I actually don't" I said after taking a deep breath.

"What do you mean?" Jax said, I looked at Corbyn and he nodded his head.

"Guys... I lied to you, both of my parents are dead since I was ten" Silence filled the air.

"So you lied to us?" Zach said looking a little hurt.

"Y-yes, but it was only because I didn't know you back then and I totally forgot I lied to you guys until we brought the subject now, I'm really, truly, sorry guys" Again silence filled the air.

"Guys?..." I said

"We're sorry for your lost and it's just hard to take the new information" Zach spoke, I could here the sadness in his voice.

"We're going to go now, we just need time to think, bye guys" Jax said as he and Zach started walking towards the door.
My eyes tried helding back the tears. Tried. When they were out of the door, I felt tears on my cheeks so I got up and went inside my room locking it.

I don't want to lose those to idiots, I already lost everything when my parents died and now that I finally have friends that actually cared for me other then the kids at the orphanage, I had to ruin everything.

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