Chapter 13

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*Melody P.O.V*

After I slept in the boys dorm last night, I walked back to my dorm to get ready for my classes, as I opened the door I saw Corbyn in the kitchen eating cereal.

"Good morning" I said to him, he looked at me then went back to eating.

Rude much?

I walked inside my room and started getting ready. After I finished, I grabbed my bag and walked out of my room, there was no sight of Corbyn anywhere so I guessed he already left, I didn't have time to eat breakfast so I quickly walked out of the door, then locked it.

When I walked into my first class there was only a few students, so I made my way over to a seat and waited 'till the teacher come, but then I saw Zach since we had the same class. He came and sat down next to me.



"So anything new? " he asked

"No, he didn't talk to me in the morning so nothing new"

"Oh... Yeah! I wanted to tell you that neither me nor Jax are going to be here for the weekend, we have a trip with our families"

"Wait so you're leaving me alone with this monster" I fake cried and he laughed.

"Sorry, but we have to and we won't see you today either because we're leaving at 10 a.m"

"You're also leaving me now! I can't believe you guys could be so cruel, some best friends I have" again I fake cried and he chuckled.

"Oh please we know we're amazing but it's just for three days"

"Okay fine, i'll manage it somehow"

"I have to go now i'll see you on Monday, bye Mel"

"Bye Zach" I sigh as I saw him walking away.

I guess i'll have to sit alone at break...


*Corbyn P.O.V*

It was lunch break and unfortunately Zach and Jax had a trip with their families, so I walked in the cafeteria and took a seat on one of the tables, instantly girls started coming to my table and trying their best seducing me, but I wasn't in the mood, I looked up and saw Melody with a look of hurt on her face, she quickly turned away and walked out of the cafeteria. It really pained me seeing here like this, so I got up without paying attention to the other girls and walked out of here, I made my way outside and saw Melody sitting under a tree, she seemed upset and sad, I went to talk to her but then I stopped when I saw a boy approaching her with a smile on his face, he sat down next to her and they started talking, at this point I made my way back inside without sparing them another glance.


*Melody P.O.V*

As I was sitting under a tree, Spencer came up to me.

"Hey gurl"

"Hey Spence, how are you?

"Good, good, and you?"

"Not really"

"Okay then spill and I want all the deats"

If you guys are confused who Spencer is then let me introduce you to him.
Spencer is a guy in my class, brown hair, brown eyes, nice body but the thing is he's gay so don't worry about him, he's actually crushing on a guy in our class but it's not Zach, since Zach is straight, but Spencer is a guy that you can count on when you're down I tell him everything.

So that's why I told him what happened yesterday and this morning and how I feel about it, you can say he's my personal therapist.

"Okay first of all, I say he has a good reason for acting like this, I mean it's obvious the guy likes you so he probably something happened with him, second of all, you should go talk to him and confront him, ask him why he's treating you like this but always stay calm DO NOT get angry, are you hearing what i'm saying? "

"Sir yes sir" I said in a serious way then laughed " I'll talk to him as soon as I get to the dorm, and thank you for everything Spence you really are a good friend" I said then hugged him.

"So tell me anything new with the hotty? " I winked at him and he blushed, then he started talking about his love life until the bell rang signaling break was over.

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