A Day At Canterlot Primary School Part One

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As eleven wonderful years go by, Scroll Star grew powerful, and smart, like her parents.

Sunburst teaches her how to write spells, and how to understand them. Starlight taught her powerful magic, stuff that most young fillies didn't even heard about. It wasn't long till Scroll Star got her cutie mark in making spells and doing magic.

One day, at school...

"Scroll Star, hey!" A filly's voice bursted to Scroll Star.

"Heart Shield? Oh, hi!" Said Scroll Star. "What's up?"

"You never believe it, but, my dad is training me finally to be a guard! I begged him so much!" Heart Shield explained.

"That's awesome! You will be probably the Captain because, well, you are the daughter of the Captain. Also, since your sister will be the next ruler, you can train and fight and protect all day long."

"All day long? That would be awesome..." Heart Shield dreamly said. "Oh my gosh, we are going to miss the train!"

"Oh, no, Dad told me if I am going to be late again he will take away my teleportation spell."

"You can take away spells?" Heart Shield asked the worried filly.

"Yeah. I made that spell. Making scrolls with spells is both a blessing and a curse." Scroll Star explained.

"Huh. Now, if you give any of your spells to my mom or dad, I would probably never have magic." Heart Shield joked as they ran closer to the station.

"Heart Shield, if we don't make it, we will use telepotation, right?" Asked Scroll Star.

"Yeah, or, I will fly, and you run." Joked again Heart Shield.

"Not funny."

They got to the station, seeing that students were still coming in, so they weren't late. Showing their student passes, they hopped on, with the conductor saying, "All aboard the train to Canterlot! Students, get your tickets or show your passes now! Train leaves in a minute!"

Twenty minutes later, they got to Canterlot! Oh, beautiful Canterlot, ponies think as the step into the Capital of Equestria. The Royal Canterlot Castle, the gardens, the town itself, everything makes ponies want to live there. In fact, Rarity moved there. She lives with her husband, Fancy Pants, and has a daughter named Diamond. Her little Diamond loves beauty! Diamond was born in April, and the April stone is Diamonds, which hense, the name Diamond.

Coming back to Scroll Star, she and Heart Shield, though live in the Crystal Empire, go to Canterlot Primary School. The school is for ponies in kindergarten to fifth grade. For ponies who do not live in Canterlot, they have to take an extra class. For example, unicorns can take either extra magic or advance magic, music, P.E., art, (Etc) pegasi can take extra flight/P.E., music, zoology, (Etc), and for earth ponies, well, you get it. Basically, ponies in Canterlot have a choice to take an extra class or not, but ponies around Equestria must take an extra class or two.

Scroll Star takes advance magic, while Heart Shield takes Boy's P.E./guarding class. Heart Shield got her father to ask the teacher if she was allowed to take it, and of course, she was allowed. One of the most strongest ponies there.

"Heart Shield, you have what now?" Asked Scroll Star as they got into the giant school, although the school wasn't as big as the Canterlot Middle/High school.

"I got Royal duties. Ugh. I still don't get why Celestia MADE me take the stupid class. I am totally not going to be a princess. I'm an alicorn, but for a different reason. You see this flank?" Heart Shield showed Scroll Star her flank with a cutie mark that has a shield and a heart in the shield. "My destiny is to be a royal-nay- the Captain of the Royal Guards!"

"Unless, it was suppose to be that, until something happens to Flurry Heart, then ponies start to worry, so first, they try to contact your mom Cadance, but she was kidnapped the day before, along with your dad, then they try finding you, and find you working with other guards. But, when they explained the problem, you said that you would try finding them, but, the guards said that it was risky, and they needed a ruler. You were not ready because you quit your class, and so you made terrible choices, and pur the Crystal Empire in grave anger and problems, AND WE ALL DIE!"

Yes, Scroll Star was a very imaginative 11-year-old filly.

"Ok, I get it! The class is important for me." Heart Shield admitted. "Just, don't ever say that..."

The two fillies were going to their classrooms. Scroll Star went into the room labeled, "Unicorn-A Magic Class (Rm. 120)". That class was for unicorns who were a bit above average-advance in Magic. In Room 407, the Alicorn "Royal Duties" class was about to beginning, filled by young Alicorns and Princess Luna as a teacher, with Heart Shield coming in late, as usual.

Scroll Star's favorite class was Advance magic, but that was her last class, so, at least for her, would be a whole day of boring.

At lunch....

"So, what did you get on your regular magic class' test?" Phoenix Light, daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry, asked.

"I got a hundred-five." Scroll Star answered. "Extra credit. How was your Fantastic Beasts/zoology class?"

"Quite good. We learned about a niffler."

"Phoenix Light, guess who's here!" A small stallions voice said.

"Oh, no." Phoenix Light muttered. "Hi, Smart Cookie."

"Hey! Oh, hello, Scroll Star, Heart Shield, Cloud Dash, Screwball, Dinky Doo, Sweet Sugar, and Diamond! What is up?"

"Oh... Hello, Smart Cookie..." Blushed Sweet Sugar as she spoke quietly. Sweet Sugar, the adoptive daughter of Lyra and Bon-Bon, was quite shy, but with Smart Cookie, she becomes shyer...

"What do you want?" Cloud Dash asks as she moves her low, rainbow pony tail to another side of her body, and puffs her hair to see better.

"Like I said, I wanted to say hi. Also, your brother, Skyscraper, said he forgot his lunch money, so he wants some of yours." Smart Cookie Explains.

"Ask Rainbow Light!" Cloud Dash tells him.

"Well, you see..." Smart Cookie tells while pushing his glasses up, and flash backing...

Before Lunch...

Skyscraper: Dude?

Smart Cookie: Yeah, Sky?

Skyscraper: I forgot my lunch money.

Smart Cookie: Ask your sister.

Skyscraper: Ok, but come with me.

Smart Cookie: Sure, friend.

Seconds later.

Smart Cookie: Wait, I thought you meant Cloud Dash.

Skyscraper: Dude, my older sis, rich! How? She got a business by reflecting the sun from water to ponies windows. And she makes designs on the windows, so the window almost looks like a stained glass window.

Smart Cookie: That's cool. Oh, hey, Rainbow Light. Oh. And hello, Snake.

Snake: Ugh. How do these ten year old losers talking to us?

Rainbow Light: One of the losers is my Brother. He looks like my dad, Soarin, by coat, eyes like Rainbow Dash, my tom-boy mom, but hair like my grandma Windy Whistles'. By, hair color, not style. What the hell do you need, Sky?

Skyscraper: Uh, money.

Snake: Get the hell out of here.

To be continued. Apologize for the very long chapter...

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