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"Mom... You were..." Scroll Star tried to say.

"Evil. Pure evil. My soul was pure evil." Starlight Glimmer said.

"I am the daughter of Starlight Glimmer."

"Honey, did you forget I saved Equestria without any magic? And besides, Discord was evil. Trixie as well. The changelings were evil! Sunset Shimmers was evil, as well."

"But you were time traveling. For a little thing. You took away cutie marks. I won't be like you, right?"

As those words reached Starlight's ears, she teared up again. Her daughter is ashamed of her own mother! It gave Starlight a stance feeling, but she needed to be strong and teach her daughter the right thing.

"I do not know. You may or may not." Starlight answered. She knew, though, the real answer. For some reason, Starlight Glimmer's daughter was a lot like her, even by looks! Scroll's personality was just, too similar.

After they talked more, and the next day came, at lunch...

"Hey, guys." Scroll Star gloomly said as she walked to the lunch table with her friends, and some boys.

"Hello, Scroll Star." Lightning Flash said.

"You feeling fine? You look tired." Rainbow Blitz said.

"Just have a lot in my mind. How are you, guys?" Scroll asked.

"We are...ok, I guess..." Sweet Sugar whispered.

"We also have a lot in our minds. Like news. And more." Diamond explained.

"You see," Heart Shield started. "We need to talk."

After hearing that, Screwball's curly hair became flames of hell, and she shouted at the top of her lungs, "WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO STUPID? YOU ARE ALL SO ANNOYING. LET'S GO, DINKY!"

"You all are mean! You guys are nothing like your parents!" Dinky cried.

"So what? I am adopted." Music Spark said.

"S-s-same." Stuttered Sweet Sugar.

Screwball and Dinky left, all mad at their friends. They knew something that Scroll Star didn't.

"Guys," Scroll Star now started, "What are they talking about? Guys, what is wrong? Is it because you guys are mad that I won't use my magic to make you guys fly? Or is it because I won't share my secrets?"

"Well, did you ask your mom?" Phoenix Light questioned Scroll Star.

"Yes. I know what she did, but what are you guys talking 'bout?!" Asked Scroll Star, yet again.

"Well, you are like your mom. A lot. Your looks, your ability, your mind, and power. Who knows what you can do?"

"Huh? Are you implying I would be as evil as my mother? But she is good!" Scroll Star said.

Right outside the Lunch Room, a older unicorn was just happen to walk to give her daughter some dessert, and saw that something was wrong. First she saw two ponies get out of the lunch room.

"Screwball? Dinky? What's wrong?" She said to the two young fillies.

"Mrs. Glimmer! Oh, uh... Well..." Stuttered Dinky Doo.

"Don't go into the lunch room. Trust me." Screwball warned.


"Trust us, Mrs. Glimmer." Dinky Said.

The two fillies ran to the guidance councler's room, with a worrying face. Starlight did what they said, and didn't go in. But they never said that she wasn't allowed to hear anything from the outside.

(NO MORE ACCURATE TO WHAT I BELIEVE) Starlight Glimmer's + Sunburst's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now