The ghost of Scroll Star

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The day of the death was a big bang! The first day of school, and a student died. No, it wasn't any student, but it was the daughter of a pony who was bad for a couple years, then, one of the saviors of Equestia, and also, an advance magic teacher. Scroll Star didn't die by illness, or age, or even murder, but by suicide. No pony saw this coming. The night of the death was just full of mourning. When Sunburst heard this, he imediately took every book in the library, and he tried to find a spell to bring her back, but the only way to bring her back was a spell by Scroll Star. She killed herself by making a Death Scroll, a way to kill her by casting a spell, while ripping the scroll fully in half.

Scroll's current friends and her old friends, as well, were sobbing, sad, and mourning. They all were saying how wrong they were. Screwball just was crying in her boyfriend's, Mothball, hooves. She was so sad, chocolate milk was pouring. Really pouring...

Dinky Doo was singing this: All of us are mourning. The chocolate milk is pouring. We are sad. This death scroll is bad! She kept reapeating and reapeating these lines, making even Pinkie Pie telling her to shut it.

They were all in Scroll's house, and talked hardly. Sunburst was still searching for a way.

Finally, Starlight was getting annoyed.  "SUNBURST!" She sobbed. "THERE IS NO WAY, AND YOU KNOW IT! The only pony who can bring her back is the pony who died! She made the Death Scroll, and she probably had some way to reverse iiii.... gosh... The answer is in a scroll..."

"Starlight, you are brilliant! I got to look in every place she could have placed it!" Sunburst said with a bit of joy.

"I will do it." Somepony said.

"Huh?" Starlight questioned.

"It is my fault I couldn't save her. I will repay my debt by trying to find it. By myself." Heart Shield Replied.

"Heart Shield, it was most of our fault. Actually,  my fault. We were the ones who made her think that she would be evil, so she killed herself. We will help, as well!" Phoenix bursted, and all of the fillies and foals agreeded.

"Thank you," Whispered Sunburst. "Thank you all..."

Out of the window, though, somepony was outside, looking at this moment. Well, a soul.

"Wow... They love me... They apologized... I..." Thought the ghost, Scroll Star. Now, she wished she made the reverse spell more understandable, and not hard to find. Scroll hopped that they would find it and figure out the damn spell!

Three days later, the funeral was held. The grave she was put in was topped with Scroll Star's favorite flowers, Roses, Starswirl the Bearded's Journal, and her favorite spell. The funeral was truly gloomy. The weather was chocolate milk, thunder and lightning from the cotton candy clouds. The beautiful blue sky turned to simple gray. No sunlight was blasted, and cranes were flying in the most depressing moment in Scroll Star's family.

As the service began, Starlight walked up to the microphone, and spoke. "Hello, dear friends and family of Scroll Star. We were brought here together due to the death of Scroll Star, my first and only daughter. Before we start, I want to saw something...

I love her. I will always love her, even dead. She was a lot like me. She was powerful, and quiet smart. She could have done many things in the future, for example, a spell to prevent danger, or be a teacher and teach ponies so they can be something in the future. Unfortunately, due to being me, it gave her the idea that she would make the same mistakes as I did. It pressured her to make a Death Scroll. Her last word to me was 'Fine'. We were talking about her least favorite thing. I wish I told her I loved her."

(NO MORE ACCURATE TO WHAT I BELIEVE) Starlight Glimmer's + Sunburst's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now