The Cave

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The groups were getting ready to go to where they were assigned. Everypony got their essentials. Diamond, although it was secret, she needed glasses so, from her saddle bag with a jewel badge, she took out square, violet glasses.

As she did that, a pink pony with curly purple and white mane stared at her, in confusion.

"What?" Diamond said. "I am far-sighted."

"Ok, Diamond. Just don't understand why you never worn it in public." Screwball explained.

"I..." Diamond was stuck. She felt upset that she had to hide it. Glasses, to her, made her feel like a book- worm.

As everypony finished, Heart Shield went up to Screwball to talk with her, just to review.

"Why, Heart Shield?! We will be on the same group! Tell me what to do then!" Pleaded Screwball.

"No!" Responded Heart Shield. As her voice cried that word, she felt the soul of her father, Capitan of the Royal Guards. Heart Shield always knew that she was NOT like her mother. At least, she never believed she was like Cadance. Her heart shielded love, and Heart Shield was ok. She was a tough Alicorn, and the future capitan. Heart's parents always told her that it would be Flash Sentry, but she makes sure that wouldn't happen. It was HER destiny. To control, help, and protect, like what she is doing now. Heart Shield felt proud.

Continuing, "Screwball, when you aren't with me, you won't know what to do. Let me just tell you one more time. You check every group to see if there's success or not. When there is, you--"

"Teleport back, yeah, yeah, I know, Heart Shield." Screwball said.

Everypony started to walk out. They were ready. At least they thought so. It was almost sunrise.

"Screwball, can you teleport each of the groups to where we need to go? Now?" Begs Heart Shield.

"Fine." Screwball teleported group A, then came back, then group B, then her group.

"You ok," Asks Heart Shield as they were entering the first cave.

"Yeah. Just...tired..." Pants Screwball.

Then, they heard muffled voices from a bag.

"Uh, Heart Shield?! The walkie talkie!" Cherry Top said. She was the second oldest child of the Pie family, but she was the smartest and maturest, so they let her stay.

"Who is talking?!"

"I think...Sugar Sweet? Maybe group A?"


"Uhhh... I litterally just teleported everypony to the caves!" Screwy complained.


"FINE!" She budged.

Screwball went to Group B first, took them to Group A after two minutes, then teleported back to get Group C, and blinked to Group A's cave.

"Happy?!" She asks, in anger.

"Sorry, Screwball." Heart Shield apologizes.

The two groups walk up to the cave, but only to be stopped before enterance by Group A, which had seven ponies, and a Alicorn.

"Don't go in there!" Warns Smart Cookie.

"What's wrong?" Lightning Flash speaks.

"Look for yourself!"

Loud noises and a burst of flames came out of that cave!

"Phoenixes! At least we know this is the right one!" Cherry Top realized. Then, it took her a second later to ask this: "Wait, why isn't Phoenix Light dealing with this?"

(NO MORE ACCURATE TO WHAT I BELIEVE) Starlight Glimmer's + Sunburst's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now