The Past

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" was a long time ago. Me and your father were best friends. I had no pony else but him. He wasn't my crush, but my Pony Friend Forever. If it wasn't for him, I would suck at magic. Trust me.

We were both blank flanks at our school, Stars Elementary School, and we were bullied. Called us geeks, and weirdos for not only not having a cutie mark, but for our obssesion in reading and magic. Of course, though, we didn't care what they said. Well, except Sunburst. Your father even got into a fight, once, for me. He did not like what they said to me. He didn't care about even calling him a piece of crap!

One day, we made a promise that during the summer, we would try our best to practice and practice to get our cutie mark! And that is what we did, but only one succeeded...

Sunburst got his cutie mark first. He got sent to magic school. I wasn't with him anymore, and it stayed that way for a very, very long time.

More bullies came to me. It was only two years later I got my cutie mark. I wasn't sent to magic school, though.

Due to what happened with Sunburst, I didn't let me go anywhere NEAR friendship, thinking a cutie mark can block it. Instead, year after year, I studied more and more magic. Eventually, my powers gave me something." Starlight explained.

"What was it, mom?" asked Scroll Star.

"Evil. I was pure evil. For a tiny thing from years ago.

I am not proud of that area in my life, Scroll Star. But you need to know this. I was making ponies get rid of their cutie marks. I found a small village, and told them getting rid of their special talents was the best way to have friends! Ridiculous! And I still lied, because I said I got rid of my special mark. Nope. I needed to do this spell, but with only my cutie mark. I saw what it did without it! Eventually, I met the Princess of Friendship and her friends. They stopped me, but not fully. I stalked Twilight Sparkle for a whole year, trying to find put the key to their success. I found it. When Rainbow Dash was a younger filly, she made a sonic rainbow that not only gave Rainbow her cutie mark, but the others as well. Can you believe it?

I hacked inside the Castle scroll room, and found Starswirl the bearded's time spell. I stole it. Almost got in jail, but I thought it was worth it. I changed that spell, and making it mt version. You probably got that talemt from me. After that, I traveled through time, trying to stop the rainboom. By doing that, the future, or the present to us, was always bad. It had wars, villains, and even nothing. Twilight showed me the  way, though, in the end. And I got to meet Sunburst a couple weeks later. Turns out that his magic wasn't that strong, but, he knows what to do when it comes to magic.

I am sorry you had to hear this story. I told you already that I wasn't proud, but I will repeat it again." Starlight finished.

Author's Note: This chapter is short, I know. Hoped you liked it, though!

(NO MORE ACCURATE TO WHAT I BELIEVE) Starlight Glimmer's + Sunburst's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now