High School and news (Extremely short, but cannot be skipped)

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The story of that fight was now about 15-16 years ago. Old news, but mentioned once in a while to the high school ponies. Seniors were Stallions and Mares, while the rest were learning to become one. Teachers from the other schools in the district also teach other grades. For example, Starlight Glimmer teaches High School in the morning, then, at lunch, goes to the Primary school. 

A lot has changed through-out the years. Babies are born, ponies date, ponies change, and new friendships form. Screwball and Mothball, a changeling, date, and so do Sweet Sugar and Smart Cookie. 

Princess Jewel was born,  child of Spike and Ember. Sky Blue, a pegasus, was also born, and is the younger sister of Snake, the eldest daughter of Trixie.

Scroll Star also changes, but not in a good way. She became a loner, hardly any friends, and cares only about magic. She has not destroyed the death scroll,  which meant that she was still in fear. Fear of evil.

Heart Shield tried to make it up, but it was useless. Scroll Star's heart is broken.

Author's Note: Sorry about the short chapter. This was just letting you guys know what's going on, and so, the next chapter would be longer, and actually have a story in it!

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