The Reverse Spell

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The day started bright,  but not too early. The sunlight echoed in the cave,  and waking up most of the ponies. Sugar Sweet started to take out the fresh muffins from her bag,  and placed it on the long,  dirty table.

"E-e-everypony? The muffins are out. W-w-we h-h-have blueberry, chocolate, and other flavors s-s-s-specially c-c-cooked from Bon Bon and Lyra's Sweet Shop." Stuttered the shy pony.

"Ugh, the competition." Said Frosting,  who worked in Sugar Cube Corner. The bosses were the twins and the Pies. Pound really wants to pound the competition...

After the ponies brushed up,  they sat on the seats,  ready to eat. Except two ponies were missing.

"Wait, where is Flurry Heart? Where's Heart Shield?!" One pony announced.

"They're gone?!" Another pony screamed.

"Oh,  no!"

"That isn't fair!"


"EVERYPONY,  STOP! I WAS JUST TRYING TO FIND MY SISTER!" A scream from the entrance was heard.


"Oh, you didn't leave us."

"Geez, you fillies and colts are ridiculious." Flurry said.

"Sorry." Cloud Dash apologized. "Where's Heart?"

"Right behind me."

"Hi, guys. I just needed to do something. Found the knife. And a mirror." Heart Shield told the worried ponies.

"Wait, really?! Perfect! Wait,  why a mirror?"

"Because I have an idea."

Minutes later of explaining, the ponies got even more worried.




"This isn't your fate!"

The ponies screamed and screamed,  complaining how this choice is the wrong one! Phoenix couldn't believe her eyes.

"Heart Shield, this is ridiculious! You shouldn't do this. You were only persuaded by my stupidity. I was the one who caused this. Me. And only me. And I know how much ponies know that. It cannot be you." Phoenix explained. "It makes more--"

"STOP IT! PHOENIX YOU AREN'T THE ONLY ONE TO BLAME! Sure,  you started it, but I was the one who hurt her the most! Who here was the closet to Scroll Star when we were kids?"

No pony answered. They all knew who.

"What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. You." Flurry asked.

"Everything! I... I wanted something. Look,  I don't care what any pony says,  we are doing it like planned. Everypony ready?!"

They all nodded in harmony, all upset and worried. They knew the spell wouldn't kill her, but risking what may be the future shield of Equestria? It was something everypony didn't want to do.

"Good. Now, get ready. I will come in 10 minutes,  I need to do something. Myself."

Leaving the cave,  she saw the bright sun at her once again.

"Hopefully, this won't be my last sight of Great-Aunt Celestia's sunlight." She thought.

Her eyes were filled with tears. She remembers that moment when she said that she would believe that Scroll Star would be evil. Then, for some reason, her horn started to glow, as more memories infected her.

(NO MORE ACCURATE TO WHAT I BELIEVE) Starlight Glimmer's + Sunburst's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now