More problems (It's like they never stop)

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Heart Shield flapped her wings really hard to get to the location she needs to go really fast. She knew she had hardly any time. Then she realized something...

"Wait! I have magic! I can teleport!" She reminded herself. Heart Shield then quickly stopped and teleported.

As she was about to enter the house, her mother came, and from the looks of it, she teleported.

"I came as fast right when I finished sending the other scrolls. Discord and Screwball would probably come in a second, but the others wouldn't be able to. At least, not yet." Cadance explained.

"Shoot. At least I have two of the most powerful creatures with me. Both Royal in Chaos."

"Chaos, you said, my dear?" A male's voice jumped!

"Clearly you mean us two, correct?" A female's voice bounced!

"Not now, guys, don't do your weird talking strategies, or whatever they are called, for we need to find a spell, and fast! I am so glad I have my-- STARLIGHT!" Heart Shield said as she opened the door, seeing something tragic, and gave them distraught.

Sunburst came out of a room, begging to help find a way to bring Scroll back! "Please, tell me you found a way! It would be helping me with my wife. She is in some much pain, her heart is started to break!"

Then, a scream of pain and a thump from upstairs got the worried ponies attention. Then suddently, a flash bursted out of no where.

"She's sick?! Daddy, take us all to the hospital!" Screwball comanded.

SNAP! Right before their eyes, they were all transfered to the Crystal Hospital.

"You were saying?" Asked Discord.

They quickly called the nurses and doctors, and in less than five minutes Starlight was in the hospital bed, while all of them were trying to send letters to the others informing them that Starlight was sick.

Starlight had high blood pressure, which led to a heart attack. All of that from losing her child, and, also, for feeling like it was her fault. That feeling was shared amongst other ponies. Starlight was so sad and stressful, oh, those last few days were filled with horror and mourning.

Author's Note: OK, sorry it came out so late. I was getting ready for my flight for Vaca, and was reading Harry Potter. (Finished the sixth book, now on the seventh. NO SPOILERS) Anyways, sorry about the short chapter, but, this chapter didn't need more drama. And I wasn't planning to make Starlight sick, but, I decided to, and it took me a while to figure out WHAT she developed. Well, I hope you felt pity, maybe even cried, and thank you for reading this!

(NO MORE ACCURATE TO WHAT I BELIEVE) Starlight Glimmer's + Sunburst's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now