The end?

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The day later was more fulgent than usual. It was like a stage light pointing perpendicular at you. The towns of Equestria were clean and gleeful,  especially the Crystal Empire. It was as crystal clean as one town can get! The ponies stood out and shined like the big sun. The breeze exhaled all the negative emotions, making them banished from Equestria.

How is this acheviable during a blant and depressed moment? Well, many joyful things had happened. The missing group of ponies, including ALL of the alicorn fillies,  have returned... Prostate.

Starlight Glimmer was halycon, and jam-packed with million tiny puzzle pieces acted as one picture, and that picture was love. Still in the hospital,  but not due of her incidents...

Life in Scroll Star's eyes was... Nothing. Both her and Heart Shield were unconsious, and ALMOST DAMN DEAD! Yeah, they didn't act the most outgoing during the reunion.

Finally, after all the family and friends waiting, Scroll Star wakes up. The world was a bit cramped in her eyes, and her head was pounding in pain.

"Ow!" She groaned in pain. "What's going on?"

"Scroll Star?!"

"Scroll Star is alive! Cheese, you know what to do!"

"I was so worried!"

"Heart Shield,  what the hell were you going to do?!"

That caught the broken pony's attention.

"I was... I was being like any..." Heart Shield hesitated.

"Guard?! Are you being ridiculious?! Being a guard? You are meant to rule with Flurry!" Shining Armor claimed.

"But that is NOT who I am meant to be! And besides, that isn't the only reason..."

"You litterally killed yourself,  then somehow came back to life! Don't forget you hurt yourself during this process!" Princess Cadance pointed out. You are grounded forever!"

"Mom,  dad,  I love her!"

Before,  this fight was understandable, but those three words no pony knew Heart Shield would say to anypony, stallion or mare!"


"You love me?"

The heads turned from Heart to Scroll.

Breaking the fourth-wall (And this author's narriation),  Frosting, who developed this talent from his mother, said,  to you all readers, this: Oooooo,  a little romance stirring up!

Both blushing,  to a shade that makes their unicorn heads look like a tomato.

Scroll Star,  with determination, after throwing the tear away, urged the Crystal Princess to leave her alone.

"Princess Cadance, she saved me. She should courage and braveness,  like a true, no, not guard, but Capitian. Sure,  she along many other ponies pressured me into this,  but let bygones-be-bygones. Oh,  and mom..."

The daughter and mother tackled into a hug and a crying spree!

"Just because I went on way, does NOT mean you will do the same..." Whispered Starlight Glimmer. "You will make wonderful creations, make Equestria a better place, do the things I wished I could have done."

"Yes, Mama..."

Ok,  happy ever after,  the end--


What, now... Pinkie Pie?

There are still more adventures that happened before,  during and after this event! Did you forget my story,  or when the kids traveled--

No spoilers, Pinkie Pie! I am the narriator, and I end this story the way it should be and how it ends it how it is going to end. Now...

Until next time!

Author's Note:  Sorry about those two...

Anyways,  what a terrible ending! Whatever. This book,  though done,  will always be in edit. I always once in a while change words or add more details.

(Just so you know... I don't mind if anyone decides to take my characters and put it in there fanfic as long you credit me and keep the moments that happen from this story, and those to come.)

Anyways,  the day I publish this is when I had about 130 views on this fanfic! Wow,  I am so proud of myself,  and thank you for all my readers out there! I had fun writing this book,  and have more fun writing the others! Don't know HOW much sequles (And prequles) I will make, but I have stories, tons in my mind!

Thank you, again,  for everthing!

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