The Plan

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"Flurry? Flurry, wake up!" Whispered a mare.

"Ugh... It's 12:59. Why did you wake me up?!" Flurry asked the young mare.

As Flurry complained more, she also said, "Lumos", just to get a clearer glance at the mare who it was trying to wake up Flurry in her beauty sleep, and it was her younger alicorn sister, Heart Shield.

"Did you forget?! We have only an HOUR until the meeting?! We need to get ready!" Heart Shield explained.

"Fine... But, can't you do that with magic? You know, 'Accio this' or 'Accio that'?"

"No, because I already packed. I need help with the clubhouse, and besides, you need to wake up anyways, since you promised to do this."

"Fine. Let's go." Flurry agreed.

They sneaked in the dark, unaware if anypony was sleeping or awake. He two princesses flew instead of walked, for they didn't want anypony to hear them trotting through the empty halls.

The guards, as always, were sleeping, so they were less worried. While Heart Shield went to the kitchen to collect food and water they hid from the other ponies so they wouldn't eat it, Flurry Heart took all the bags, tents, and other nessesities needed for the quest. She hoped everypony who signed got their own stuff, but just in case, she took extra.

As Flurry Heart tried to leave the room, she tripped on a box. Boy, what a big sound it did. Hopping no pony heard, she left the room in a rush.

Finally, at 1:30, they checked, and re-checked, and re-re-checked.

"The food?" Flurry asked.

"Check! Blankets and spell books?"


As they finished, they didn't open the doors, but teleported while casting a magic silence bubble so no pony heard them teleporting.

"Ok, Flurry, you teleport us while I will cast a silence bubble."

"Ok, Heart Shield." Flurry agreed. Then, something got her thinking. "Oh, shoot! I should have thought about that when I was getting the materials!"

"Why, what happened?" Heart Shield whispered in fear, as she casted the spell.

"I tripped on a box that gave a loud noise. Oops!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She exclaimed! Heart Shield was already worried about the trip and quest, and tired by planning and packing and trying her best to be silent, but, due to her sister, they could risk everything.

Heart Shield was now yet again in tears. Heart Shield dropped her head down, to make sure Flurry Heart wouldn't see it, but, Flurry knew what was going on. She knew how in pain Heart was.

"Heart Shield, I am so sorry, but now we don't have the time to cry! We have to get out as soon as we can! If they are awake, then, like I said, we have to get out! Step one of this plan is almost done! Come on! I am sorry!" Flurry begged.

Heart Shield lift her head up again, and spoke very quietly...

"OK. Let's go."

While still in the bubble, they teleported as planned. Even if they were awake, they didn't care, for they just went on with their plan.

"We did it!" Flurry exclaimed as they were next to the clubhouse.

"Finally! Flurry Heart, you will be inside getting ready, while I keep guard and cast a protection spell/invisibility spell. When I see a pony that we DID invite, with their invite/scroll, I will turn the spell off, for a couple of seconds to let the pony know that it is the right spot and know where to go." Explained Heart Shield.

(NO MORE ACCURATE TO WHAT I BELIEVE) Starlight Glimmer's + Sunburst's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now