A Day At Canterlot Primary School Part Two

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(Flashback Ends)

"...So, here I am!" Smart Cookie finishes.

The table, who was filled with mostly famous fillies, had some fillies surprised, yet most of them actually just didn't care.

Finally, Scroll Star said, "I don't like those girls. I hate Snake, especially. Always being like, 'OMG! I am the best! You are such a loser! Of course my mom is famous! She saved Equestria like... Once!' Ughhhhh.."

"Scroll, does your mom know?" Screwball questioned Scroll Star.

"No. And it is going to stay that way, Screwy!"


"So let me get this straight," Dinky Doo said. "Rainbow Light didn't give him the money, so you guys decided to ask Cloud Dash, but, where is Skyscraper? That's my only question."

Everypony just realized that.

"Huh. Where IS he?" Cloud Dash repeated the question to Smart Cookie.

"He is in the office, just in case if you say no." Smart Cookie explains.

"Well, let me give you my answer. I only have five bits. Four for one lunch. He could get an Ice-Cream Sandwich with the other bit."

"He told me that anything is good enough. I bet he wishes you a big thank you, and ta-ta, young ladies!"

"Buh-bye... Sm-sm-smart Co-co-cookie..." Shuttered Sweet Sugar. She blushes again, even harder.

"Ooo, someone go the hots for Smart Cookie!" Screwball calls out.

"No, I don't." Lied the shy filly. She got this crush five years ago, in Kindergarten. She once made him a cupcake, and put all her love in making it. Eventually, at the giving part, she earned her cutie mark, which was a cupcake, with a cherry on top, but the cherry was also a bow. Sweet Sugar's favorite accessory was a yogurt pink bowtie around her neck. Never leaves the house without it!

"Did you forget that Screwball can tell if somepony is lying?" Heart Shield said.

"Oh, right... Ugh."

After lunch, was the same thing, boring classes to Scroll Star, until she goes to advance magic.

"Advance magic, here I come!" Shouted Scroll Star.

She ran to the classroom, with a beautiful smile on her face. Her teacher was though one pony she was always glad to see. In the morning she cannot greet her, but at the end of the school day...

"Take your seats everypony. Advance magic will begin."

Author's Note: Yes, this is a way shorter chapter, and much shorter than part one. Sorry about that again. Also, comment which pony is  the Advance magic teacher? Yeah, I will focus more on this book than the other two. I want this to be done, then work on the other two. So, this would be the plan I will try to stick to. Once a month, I will write one or two chapters on wattpad for the other books, and on this book, I will work almost every day, but at least once every week!

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