The Death Scroll Part One

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The beginning of school after Summer was tough. Ponies, again, dealt with many thing, sad or happy. But in school, it is going to be more tougher.

Scroll Star, a valedictorian in magic, was in her room, studying a spell not even Princess Twilight or her MOTHER knew how to conduct. She been doing this for a while. Scroll was not allowed to do this, but she doesn't care anymore. She liked it. And it was a challenge to her. Blooming flowers or teleporting from home to across the country was baby spells to her. 

It was six o'clock, so her mother would be also waking up soon. She put away all the scrolls, including the ones she made, and went to her messy bed, reading Harry Trotter. She already prepared for school two nights ago, so she could read for a while.

At seven thirty, she finished her breakfast. Leaving her bed at seven ten, washing up at seven fifteen, and starting to eat at seven twenty, she would never be late. And she wasn't. She made to the train ten minutes before, like high school fillies and foals had to do. She got to read more of her books, ignoring every late pony, including her old friends. 

Then, at the train, after the conductor called out to everypony that they were going to Canterlot,  a filly her age said something to Scroll. 

"Hello. Uh... may I please s-s-sit-t-t h-h-ere-e-e?" Stuttered the filly. Scroll knew that the only pony who stuttered like her was:

"Hello, Sweet Sugar. How's Smart Cookie. Where is he?" Scroll asked, carelessly.

"Oh, uh, we... We broke up..." She whispered while crying. "And I told him I loved him..."

"Sorry to hear that, but I am trying to read, and learn some of these spells." 

"Oh, I understand, Scroll. You, of course, want to only care about your STUPID spells. Ugh, I will find somewhere else to sit. Good-bye!" She said in hate. 

As she left, Scroll looked at the empty seat. The memory of her friend was also going away, which only made something stronger, and made Scroll weaker, mentally. Her heart was breaking more and more, only the fault of her. 

She knew she should not care, so she put away the book, and took out a different one. A journal full of spells. A journal by Star Swirl. He was her hero, for she was like him. No pony else in this generation write spells like Scroll Star. And anytime now Scroll Star was upset, she only thought that she could incredible stuff that not many ponies can do. 

Twenty minutes later, they got to Canterlot, and went to their first classes. Scroll Star had P.E. It was weird she had that class, for she didn't sign up to it. She went to her mother, who was working on her lesson before class.

"Hi mom," She greeted as she entered the room. "Uh, I was wondering. Did you sign me up to P.E.?"

"Yes." She answered.

"Why? I did not want this class." 

"I am fully aware, but you needed an extra class, and i wanted you to get out of your comfort zone. And actually make friends. You know, ponies that you have fun with. You developed them years ago.""

"Please don't. The only friends I need are Screwball and Dinky Doo. They are the only ponies that get me."

"At least take the stupid class. You need to do some sports."

"Fine." Scroll finally agreed.

Minutes later, Scroll Star was goalie for soccer in P.E. 

Sport was the worst thing Scroll Star did, but if she was goalie, she could use magic to get the ball. Or, at least she thought she could. 

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