The Dream

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You know how the flillies and colts were,  safe and sound,  but how were their families doing? Not so great. Each of the ponies worried and wondered who did it?! What happened?! Why?!

While the young ones were on their quest, the Royals were talking *seriously.

"Celestia! My child is gone!" Complained Twilight Sparkle.

"Twilight, BOTH of my children are gone!" Cadance shrieked.

"What difference does it make?!"

"Girls, calm down. I am sure we will figure out soon what has happened to the children of your blood and the rest." The Eldest Princess, Celestia,  calmed. "My younger sister has her ways."

Both of the younger princesses questioned Celestia,  wondering what she meant by Princess Luna having her ways.

During the day,  ponies take all their strength to find the children,  but it only took a night sky and a peaceful sleep to get the answer.

In the cave full of spells and wonders,  in was past midnight, an hour or two later. The ponies started to fall asleep,  except one. Worried and scared, Heart Shield couldn't fall deep into a slumber. Not yet.

"Oh, Scroll Star, your star shines brighter than any other. I miss you so much..." Heart Shield said from her heart. Then,  thinking of the task she must do, she says, "I saw death twice and both of them were you. Would it be too hard to risk another creature's life? Yes. It would. But... Then again... What... What if... I don't know... It can work... Oh, I need to sleep on it. Do not worry,  no matter what I do Scroll Star, I will be there."

Heart Shield walked back slowly to her sleeping bag,  and fell asleep into a dream...

Heart Shield's Dream...

Dreams were relms of chaos and weirdness. Fish flew and rain was chocolate. The sky was a dreamy blue with stars poking at it, giving a feeling of calmness, yet, something felt wrong to the pony, who was floating without flapping her wings, when she entered this relm of weirdness.

"Hello? Hello! Where am I? Flurry Heart? Friends?!" She asks with fear.

Then, the sky's tone changed into a bloody red and the vibes of anger shook the grounds!

"It was all your fault!" A voice echoed.


"Phoenix Light told me the truth, and was against me, but you did not have to continue it! You broke my heart! If you do not risk your life for me, and tryt o kill ANOTHER creature,  oh,  trust me... You'll descend to hell!" That same voice yelled,  showing a shadow of a pony who was gone.

"Scroll Star? Is that you? I'm sorry!"

"It is not ok!/Are you ok?" Two voices yelles at the same time,  but the first one's shadow drowned to the ground dissapering, as a figure comes in.

"I'm sorry,  I'm sorry,  I'm sorry..." Whispered and sobbed Heart Shield. Then,  a hoof of something touched Heart Shield to get her attention,  and calm her down.

"It's a dream..." The pony said as her blue mane floated.

The scared pony, Heart Shield, with tears in her shut eyes, opens them to see another alicorn, dark and pretty,  but older than Heart.

"Princess Luna? I... You probably came to ask where was I?" She asked the night Princess.

"Well, I was planning to go to Flurry Heart, but you had a nightmare, so I had to help you. Where are you? What is happening that is making you feel this nightmare?" Luna asked.

"Well... We found the Reverse Spell,  but, it is harder and darker that it may seem. You see,  we all escaped at two to go into caves to find her secret scroll/magic cave, and we found it. Been staying there since the first day,  but anyways... The spell requires one pony to cut themself with the Knife of Pain, then all ponies with a horn besides one to conduct one out of the three Twilight Dark Curses, while the other pony conducting the Death Spell onto a creature willing to die for a bit,  then bring Scroll back. If the spell backfires,  it would bring her,  but not the creature who was killed."

"This seems like a hard choice,  but it does not explain the dream."

"I feel wrong to see her die, I feel wrong hurting her in the past,  especially finding out she... She loved me."

"Do you feel the same way?"

That was an answer she did not want to answer to, but, she trusted Princess Luna enough. She knew that Luna would understand.

"Yes. I love her! And I feel like... Princess Luna,  please do not tell anypony, but..."


"I think I would place the Death Spell onto myself. I don't want anymore suffering."

"Heart Shield! This is wrong! You cannot--"

"Who says what I can or cannot? I trust you not to tell anypony, so it better stay a secret!"

"Heart Shield,  I know you feel wrong and you love her... But... This is a big risk. Imagine what you are losing. Isn't being a Capitan your destiny?"

"I am doing what I am doing for the better, and at times, Capitans take risks and make sacrifices. I am already one without the offical title. Besides,  nopony believesd I would make it." Were the last words Heart Shield told before walking up from the quick dream.

In the Waking World...

Heart Shield woke up in a flash, thanking that it was a quick dream, so she can prepare to do something that would be fair to everypony. At least,  she thought it was fair.

"This is for you, Scroll Star, " Whispered the Brave Soul.

Author's Note: Told you I had things planned. Sorry for another quick chapter,  but I wanted to make a dream chapter SOMEWHERE, and here was the perfect spot! I do not believe the dream needs anymore information, unless you do think it does,  which tell me in the comments.

Hope you like it! Thanks for reading and follow me at Faunamusic!

*Siriusly? Seriously. Anytime seeing this,  like previous chpaters, add a Sirius tally!

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