Dark Magic

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"Hello, Mrs. Glimmer." A pony greeted.

"Hello, Luna Lovegood. Working hard on the blooming flowers spell?"

"Very much, Ma'am!" Luna said.

"Great! Today, though, we won't be practicing. Since you are in the fifth grade, you will be doing something different."

"Mom, what will be doing today?" Scroll Star asked her smart and magical mother.

"You will see. Ponies, again go to your seats. Do not look at the potions. If you recall, this room is used for cutie-mark day camp, and the CMC's Apple Bloom taught potions on Sunday to the fillies and colts without cutie marks. We cannot touch that." Starlight Glimmer explained.

"Maybe I can get my cutie mark in potions." Some ponies whispered.

"Oh, speaking of which, for the summer, any one without a cutie mark can join! Spring season camp is full, so, we got flyers for summer day camp. Anyways, going back to the lesson, today we with learn dark magic. At least, for the fourth graders and up. Third graders and below, it is against the law to talk about this, so, you can practice magic with Sunburst, my husband." Starlight explained.

"Huh, I did not know Daddy was coming today. Oh, well." Whispered Scroll Star.

"So, everypony else, take one text book from your seats, and write your name where other ponies wrote their names. You will have this book for the last two parts of the semester, and then, return to me at the finals. This year is the first year our school will be teaching dark magic. Usually, it is only for the middle schoolers and the grades above do this class for defense, but with Queen Chrysalis out on the loose, monsters breaking out of Tartarus, and more problems, we have to teach ponies like you to recognize curses and dark magic, anf to be able to produce the dark magic for COMBAT AND DEFENSE ONLY. To make sure no pony runs around casting those spells, I will be asking my daughter to make a scroll by the end of class that can block any dark magic except some for defense and combat. Magic cannot actually tell what is happening, which is why I need everypony to sign this sheet a paper, promising that no dark magic, or the dark spells that we teach you, will be used unless used for combat and defense. Got that everypony? Now, may I please have Scroll Star?" Starlight said and explained.

As Scroll Star heard her name, she trotted down the stairs to her mother's desk, which was wooden, painted in the color violet. On the desk, there was tons of empty scrolls, books, ink bottles and ink spills, and writing feather, like they used centuries ago in the human world.

She chose a scroll, and used her copy od tge dark magic textbook to advise her. When she writes spells, she always uses some secondary source or primary source that has either spells or magic written on it. Scroll Star was a master at writing scrolls and new spells. The best in the district. It is in her name, and represented on her cutie mark.

"Anyways, I have given all of you the sheet. Sign it now, and put it in this bin with magic, no getting out of your chair." Starlight continues and she passes the sheets around. It was more like a contract than a promise, though.

As everypony signed, besides her daughter, which didn't need to sign, Starlight taught everypony how to recognize dark curses, while Scroll Star was making the spell. At the end of class, she said, "Tomorrow, Mrs. Twilight Sparkle will come and show you a curse she learned as a unicorn. Now, since Scroll is done, we will put this spell on you. It is not harmful in anyway, and yes, I am aware that today no spells were produced by your horns, but still, we must put this spell on you little ponies, just in case if you learned the spells we talked about today. Anyways, be careful in the snow! To get it out of your way, use the melting spell or the move spell. Anything that works! Goodbye!"

The time after class was not pleasant.

"Hey! What's up?" A pony called to Scroll Star.

"Hi, Phoenix. What did you think of my mom's class today?" Scroll star asked.

"Oh, uh... Well... It was OK." Lied Phoenix.

"When you lie, you mane becomes more hot. What's wrong, Phoenix Light?"

"My mom, well, I don't know if you know, but... Your mom is really powerful."

"I know that. It is the reason why she is our advance magic teacher!"

"So you don't know, do you. Well, let me tell you this: In my opinion, your mom... She is scary. What she did in the pass is something you can go to TARTARUS for. All for a little thing. With your dad." Phoenix Light explained.

"My mom isn't scary!" Laughted Scroll Star. "I mean, is she really?"

"Talk with her," was Phoenix's last words before she teleported away. Teleportation only works when you are outside of school after school hours.

(10 p.m...)

The 11 year old only child was going to bed, but still wondering about something. Now was the time to ask her mother a question she never knew would be asked.

Scroll Star jumped into bed, with Scroll's Smarty Pants doll next to her. It was time.

She took a big breath as her mother walked in peacefully, going to say goodnight, and finally asked, "What did you do in the past that makes Phoenix Light scared of you?"

Starlight looked puzzled. "What?"

"Phoenix Light said you did something really bad. I don't believe her. She said you should nlot be teaching due to your past. Is it true you did something really bad?!"

Silence. The words were crawling on Starlight, hoping to never here them, but, of course, rumor and gossips spread. News does as well. Very fast.

"Give me the chance to explain." Starlight finally said, tears starting.

Author's Note: I hope you like this chapter. Yes, I know probably everyone thought Starlight was the teacher due to her power. She is more powerful than Twilight, in my opinion. Next chapter would be her past, leading up to the day she became good, and more. Please vote and follow!

PS: I know, I know. I needed to put in a little Harry Potter. And besides, Luna Lovegood is actually a good pony name. Just ask Princess Luna. ☺

(NO MORE ACCURATE TO WHAT I BELIEVE) Starlight Glimmer's + Sunburst's ChildWhere stories live. Discover now