Chapter 3: Part 2

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It had become midday when I found a diner at the corner of the road next to the alley

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It had become midday when I found a diner at the corner of the road next to the alley. I headed for the diner with my backpack, hiding my switchblade in there, for it had been too large in length to fit in any of my pockets. After checking what they sold on their menu, I carefully stepped forward to the counter and decided that I would buy a small chicken sandwich that costed about five bucks, which did not really bother me. The cashier waited for me to pay up as I pretended to struggle to find change for I only had 50 dollar bills. In the end, I just gave him half a yard, which was a really weird feeling, for it felt extravagant and made me think for one second that I had no problems in life thanks to my wealth, but money could never afford anyone's happiness.

After reluctantly giving me change, I expected the cashier to ignore me subsequently but even he could tell that I was stressed and tense, and so he took his time to tell me to take a seat in the calmest of tones, only before he would notify me about the wait for the meal. When I waited for them to cook the meal, I took notice of a warm advertisement of an orphanage displaying their brightest and most disciplined children and that love was all they needed. Of course, the poster was only there in terms of adoption. I scoffed at first then actually thought about how life would be in the orphanage, only to laugh in my head at such a preposterous idea.

They finally served the sandwich, and with a nice touch as well, for it looked warm and pleasant to dig into. Forgetting to order takeaway, I had not bothered to ask for a bag because of the diner's cozier and safer vibe when compared to a cold and dark alley. I ate it slowly, taking my time as I gradually drowned myself in peacefulness. Having such a rough sleep last night before, I humiliatingly plunged into sleep in a public restaurant.

I was soon woken by a fat man, whom was full of grease from the cooking, "Excuse me, sir, are you going to finish that or what?"

I quickly shoved the rest of the remaining pieces into my mouth and felt embarrassed, so I apologized. I then quickly ran out of the diner, making my way to the alley. However, on my way out, I stopped to look at a group of teenaged boys wrapped in black leather and smoking cigarettes, looking like they were about to kill someone. There was not a second more of my eyes being laid on the juveniles as I instantly avoided eye contact for I did not want to be a part in whatever they were about to do. So I passed them, acting naturally, but because of my curiosity, I turned to see their backs and what they were about to do, keeping my very lengthy distance.

They entered the diner out of all places, to which I wiped my head in relief for I exited at the right time. I was secretly celebrating my narrow escape, but what wiped off the smirk on my face was the sight of their bats and sticks. I could not resist watching, so I hid behind a parked car hoping to be entertained by the string of events to follow.

The guy at the front suddenly pulled out a gun, which not only scared the customers but me as well. Each and every customer was forced out of the diner but they had not allowed the staff to escape. It only became more interesting.

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