Chapter 16: Part 1

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I lost my patience and used my dirty hands to try and open the miniaturized hobbit door. This led to a surprise attack from the munchkin as she brought the door crashing into my face. She then surpassed the barricades that were my arms while I fell to the floor. It was because of my laziness and the distance she gained from me that I resorted to the use of my powers. I gained control of all of the metal objects that were either attached to or inside the backpack, and pulled them all towards me.

As always, I underestimated my own abilities and launched her backwards like a catapult. Her body's momentum was halted so suddenly that I was almost sure I had dislocated her shoulders. Regardless of how disjointed her limbs might have been, I confronted the vulnerable girl, who was groaning in pain on the floor. I approached her with a daunting stance and uttered menacingly, "Guess who's in deep shit now."

She momentarily handed the bag over with little resistance, and asked, "How did you catch me?"

My powers were the real reason, but the youngest of children were known to spill the beans the most, so I kept my mouth shut about my abnormal abilities. Instead, I told her that I simply had long arms that could reach her, which she believed for the youngest of children were also known to be the most gullible.

I lectured the child about stealing, and other misdeeds, and why they were wrong. Everything in my preach was so apparent to advantaged children that it became clichéd to them; however, being raised in a gang had not given a person a sense of morality, so she learnt something new from me. I was disappointed by how uneducated these children were, then again, they were in a gang, which translated to an organized group of criminals.

After nearly snapping her vertebrae, she eventually grew on me and had even become cute to some extent. When I finally ran out of ideas to lecture about, I let her run off into someplace unknown, as I checked if she had any metal items on her. I assumed she had stolen nothing as I failed to find any metallic objects on her besides her jacket's zipper. I also presumed that she would take in my advice, but God knows what she did afterwards. I then returned to the cafeteria where the nude girl had somewhat unfortunately disappeared as well as my lunch, which was rather predictable.

At first, I thought that the disappearance act of my platter was just an incident that delayed my progress, but it was more than just an inconvenience. I was instantaneously sworn at by the caterers when I simply brought up another metal tray over to them. I did not interpret them properly at the beginning and chose to ignore them, but I was then asked again to piss off in a more vulgar choice of words.

I stood there confused with a metal platter in my hands like a desperate beggar, until the conundrum was explained, "Seconds aren't allowed in this place, recruit dumbass," which elucidated the motive of the thug who stole my lunch.

"Eric told me that I could take whatever I want," I truthfully spoke.

"Really? Did Eric tell you anything else, like a secret phrase to say?" the lunch lady hinted.

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