Chapter 16: Part 2

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"Instinctive?" I questioned her, due to my suspicions.

"Yeah, well, it has been a long day, I mean, four hours of continuous gun training is hard, but it's also ridiculously repetitive," she elucidated.

I then saw David unlocking a magazine then replenishing his ammunition only to fire, in quick succession. I responded with my headphones on, "No joke," which reassured me that I had nothing to worry about. It was because of my suspicions of a person such as Carly that I realized how paranoid I was starting to become. As much as I would have loved to tone down my level of paranoia, it had never done me wrong for it only warned me in hopes of keeping me breathing, and after my bag was stolen by a munchkin, I was unable to see the cons of paranoia during that period of time.

"David, you dick, can I teach Tyzon without a .22 over my voice?" Carly yelled at David after he finished the magazine. As another person relayed Carly's message to him, he placed his gun down after unloading the magazine onto the floor, which proved Carly's remark of his being a dick. "Anyway, 'the fundamentals of the gun'," she began her five minute brief lesson on a single firearm.

For a term with the word 'fun' in it, learning the fundamentals of the gun was not the most exhilarating experience I had ever had, but I was lucky enough to have had Carly by my side to teach me. Though she only had four hours of unprofessional training, Carly looked like she knew what she was doing, for she was able to continuously babble about how the weapon worked, the cardinal rules, and additional insight advice, all without taking any long pauses, even if she needed a breath.

Though her lesson was extremely useful, I could not help but feel an underlying urge or itch. Throughout the entire lesson, it felt like she was teasing me, as she was able to speak about a pistol for so long without firing it, loading it, cocking it, or even switching off the safety. It was like a school science experiment for you had to conduct research and write a report before performing the practical procedure. However, I had such sharp hearing, for I listened to Carly's lecture insistently without being distracted, no matter how monotone or bundled with information her descriptions and tips were.

It was until she stopped waving hand gestures around the gun that she reached the fun part of the lesson, which was firing. She told me to watch and learn, but I was afraid that I was going to be watching more than learning from the demonstration. As she placed her headphones around her ears, she soon shot six bullets out of six into the bullseye located on the target's skull, after I had barely managed to slip my pair of headphones on for she failed to warn me. Though she told me to watch her grip and handling of the gun, I could not resist watching her slowly make a golf ball-sized dent on the target.

After what felt like a decade, I was eventually asked to handle the firearm. Dazed at first, the offer felt surreal to me, but then my instincts pulled me closer to the gun, and before I knew it, the weapon was in my hand. I was unaware of whether or not I had used my powers to pick up the weapon but Carly did not show much of a reaction except for that beautiful smile, so I assumed I was just having a psychedelic experience.

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