Chapter 13: Part 2

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"What's up, Uncle Jake," I greeted him informally for we were close, even though I barely knew his personal life. As we shook hands, I realized that my powers also affected my height, for just months before that time, I was at his shoulder, and then grew to be the same height as him, who was six foot two. I was surprised that I was six foot two, if not taller, in the span of a couple of months.

"Well, as you could probably tell, I'm investing a murder, the Hill case, in fact, unfortunate turn of events. So anyway, why are you here?" he questioned me as nicely as he could. It was because he was a police officer that he always had an underlying authoritative tone.

"I think there's a man who is connected to a murder," I lied and instantly caught my uncle-in-law's attention, "He's not connected to the Hill murder but I'm just suspicious of him and want to know more about him. I have no name, but he has dark brown hair, looks like he's in his mid-thirties, and about six foot tall with a tattoo on his right shoulder."

"You've been doing some detective work, Tyzon?" he asked curiously to which I did not answer. As he opened one of his many filing cabinets, he continued, "Your description does ring a bell though. Does he have a criminal record?" he questioned and looked back for an answer. All I did was shrug, so he continued searching, "What was the tattoo of?"

"A crescent moon," I answered.

Jacob stopped scavenging through the folders for he had found what he was looking for. He gave me a folder which showed multiple mugshots and certificates relating to various subjects of the exact same guy I saw from Margaret's photo. "Is that him?" he asked for confirmation to which I nodded.

While in awe of Jacob's swiftness, I was reminded that I had to take the case seriously, which meant I mentioned all of the differences between my guy and the pictures, "He's not a blondie and his tattoo is different."

"My bad, I couldn't find a man of your brown-hair description unless you want me to keep on looking," he admitted, as his laziness started to show.

"No thanks, but his tattoo," I could not finish as my uncle-in-law cut me off.

"Listen, I don't know where you got the crescent moon from, but his tattoo is similar to the shape of it. Something might have gotten into your eye, because I'm willing to argue that this man's tattoo is exactly what it looks like in this photograph," Jacob swayed me to believe that the tattoo, which I thought I would have remembered for decades, was just a figment of my imagination, and, to be honest, the photo from the pub was not very clear, especially the part of his arm.

So if Jacob was willing to defend the soundness of a man's tattoo, I had to agree. Plus, the shape of both tattoos were indeed similar, as the crescent moon tattoo was comparable to the serpent tattoo I was looking at. After that, I was then chasing a blondie with a serpent tattoo, instead of a brunette with a crescent moon tattoo.

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