Chapter 9: Part 2

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Whilst I was outside and it had seemed like the perfect opportunity, I admittedly hesitated at first, but subsequently I grew a pair. Then, there was the dilemma of how to transport myself from the middle of a scorching desert to the city. As tempting as it was to walk the several miles through the sand, I coincidentally spotted a train about to cross the railway above me, which was travelling in the direction of the city. I spotted an opportunity; however, it was too fast.

Even if I was already up on the tracks, I would struggle to mount onto the train, for the sheer speed of the train, even when it was slowed down by the tracks, hindered my ability to climb on it in time. The track which was used to slow down the train was only designed for people to jump off the train without injury, not to jump into the train without injury, but it was still possible for Silverists to somehow enter the train, as said by Eric in the morning.

Since I was on the ground, it was impossible for me to just climb onto the ladder without being as conspicuous as a drop of blood on a white tile, for I would easily be spotted. So, instead of rushing into the city immediately, I decided to stand my ground and test what I could do with my powers. I thought that if I was going to be in the situation where I was already on the elevated track, how would I enter the train at such speeds? The answer was pretty obvious, for I had to simply slow it down, and with my powers, that should not be more difficult than a walk in the park.

Judging from past situations when my powers were in use, I was unable to control the sheer strength of my abilities. For instance, the skateboard situation was when my powers went overboard and nearly killed two teenagers. Though it almost made me accountable for two deaths, I used the past experiences with my powers to spike my confidence levels; however, it also made me overestimate the true might of my powers.

Before I was about to attempt the astonishing feat, I looked around the area to see if I was in anyone's clear line of sight, which I was not. I waited for the train to move closer until it was directly in front of me. Once it was, I pushed it using all my strength, which was not as easy as I thought, considering I was looking at it from the side. I was straining my powers too much but I knew the train was slowing down. It was slowing down at a high rate as well, so all I had to do was to hold it down for longer.

As close as I was, I had run out of stamina and lost control of the train, letting it return to its normal speed of a whopping 200 miles per hour. I could have stopped it but I needed to increase my endurance. Even when the train was already slowed down on the manipulated tracks, I still struggled to pull the train to a full stop, which made me realize that I still needed my training to become stronger and more powerful.

I headed back to the target practice, but before I did, I looked up to the sky and apologized to my father in spirit for failing him that day, but promised I would try again. As I walked back to the targets, I continued to practice throwing the shurikens, to make sure I was absolutely perfect at this skill, which I already I was, but I needed solid confirmation. However, before I would forgot the idea, I took note of the time the train arrived, which was precisely eight o'clock, thanks to the giant clock hung below the watchtower.

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