Chapter 10: Part 1

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I rested on Eric's bed for the second time. The material of the warm blanket and mattress eased me, engulfing me in drowsiness, and before I knew it, I was asleep. That night was silent and black, with no dreams nor nightmares that I could recall, so there were no sudden outbursts in my sleep. I was woken by an alarm instead of Eric, for I had set it myself. Still tired and not strong enough to open my eyes, I wanted more sleep, and since the obnoxious sound of the alarm was continually emanating from the right-hand side in a never-ending loop, I brought down my fist blindly onto the alarm.

The beeping stopped, which left quietness. It only took a few seconds for me to notice what I had done. Not only did I smash an alarm clock that was not mine, but it was an alarm clock that happened to be Eric's. As I tried using my powers to shape the clock back into how it originally looked like, it only ended up being a hunk of metal that had dents everywhere. Any idiot could figure out that it did not work after that. I needed to find Eric a new one, or else my ass was going to end up on the same path as the clock. Instead of disposing it, I left it where it stood in case Eric would see this obvious absence, for it maintained somewhat most of its shape.

It was 7:40 in the morning, twenty minutes before a train would pass by and twenty minutes before Eric would come to wake me up, I assumed. Though I was being lenient on myself by giving me ten more minutes to sleep, for I formerly planned to wake up at 7:30, I was still tired and my legs rejected the cold air outside the warm interior of the blanket. However, my mind and will were both set on going to the city to find the man who had an affair with Margaret, but after I broke Eric's alarm clock, I had another priority which was to find and most likely steal another alarm clock.

Ever since I came to the gang's 'hideout', I had been separated from my bag which stored heaps of money as well as bits and pieces of food that I did not have to worry about anymore. Even the money in my pockets were stolen from me, except for my precious one cent coin. I lost my father's knife on the train as well, so basically, I lost every physical object that was deemed valuable to me on that one day when I threatened Crank. I knew I should not have gone into the diner that day but something good came out of it, including a guy I could trust as well as a new home. Though, I planned on it only being a temporary home, for I never wanted to be a gangster for my whole life.

Speaking of homes, it was time for me to depart the hideout for a while. First things first, I had to move my slothful ass out of the bed. I needed an incentive and when I remembered my past experience with the Gatling gun, I jumped out of the blankets in fear and hurried to Eric's sink to ready myself for the morning as quick as possible. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and even did a few stretches, then took an empty backpack of Eric's to store the alarm clock I was planning to steal.

When I finally prepared myself for the trip, I discovered the redundancy of my preparation, for in the end I still had to leave Eric's room, and to do that, I needed to unlock his fortified steel door. I remembered the code for the number string; however, I swore in anger, for I forgot what the first character looked like. I could not escape without breaking the walls or the door nor could I escape without probably injuring or even killing someone. This meant that I had no way to make my escape stealthily or inconspicuously, unless I wanted to blow my cover and reveal to the entire Silver Gang who I really was as an entity.

I struggled to find the lock or any other mechanisms that were attached to the door, so I only concentrated on the objects I could see. Consequently, I tried numerous unique combinations on the pad in an attempt to abscond from Eric's room. I could remember sliding my fingers all over the screen until it was smudged in sweat from my oily fingertips. Once I eventually gave up as my eyes suffered from the after-image of immense red, I cleaned the touchscreen which led to my accidentally dropping a stylus.

This stylus had been attached to the pad via a ball-link chain. I picked the stylus back up and placed it in its original spot, finding little significance in the tool. There was no point in guessing the extremely complex character, so I walked around the room trying to find another malleable solution.

Since there was not a window, vent, or even the tiniest of mouse holes in Eric's room, I suddenly felt claustrophobic. Before I messed around with the wires or the motherboard of the code pad, I had an idea.    

Thank you once again for reading or checking this book out! It means so much to me as a writer, and I cannot appreciate you enough for spending your time on this

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Thank you once again for reading or checking this book out! It means so much to me as a writer, and I cannot appreciate you enough for spending your time on this.

On Sunday, expect Chapter 10: Part 2!

Love you guys.

Stay sexy.



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