Chapter 15: Part 1

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There were no mats to cushion my fall either, for no one was expecting me to come out of the train. The feeling of extreme nausea returned, which made me sick again. That time, my stomach underwent a more intense condition where I was forced to spew chunks in mere seconds. I quickly ran to the edge of the rail and vomited into the sand ten stories below me. Vertigo made the feeling even worse as I stared at the desert floor, while my breakfast plunged onto the dunes. Once I finished, I wiped my face and waited for my stomach to recover from the soreness of its emptiness.

Since I had only seen the train doors open when passing by the Langatory building, I assumed that the manipulated train track not only slowed down the train, but it also opened its doors somehow. As well as my powers, the Silver Gang was full of surprises.

I wanted to be on the ground rather than the track above it, for it was easier to be spotted if I was on the track. I thought about how simply jumping down was much quicker than finding a support to climb down. Not being the idiot that dived immediately, I thought about this method in depth.

Since the contents of my bag were precious, and made of metal, I unstrapped the backpack then lowered it into the sand gently with my powers. Once I was certain that the bag was safe on the floor, I walked a little further along the side, so that I would not land on the bag. After that, there was nothing else to do but fall, so I wished for the best and freefell into the sand.

During my plummet, I experienced the same adrenaline rush that many underwent on a rollercoaster ride. It was all going well, until I hit the delicate sandbanks with my back. The impact not only felt like I had almost snapped my vertebrae, but it nearly drowned me, for I was over a meter deep within the sand after my drop. Eventually, I clawed and crawled my way out of the plight, and contemplated if taking the fall was worth saving five minutes, at most, of my time.

In retrospect, the worst disadvantage in my situation would have been the sand being stuck to my clothes, rather than the pain that followed. However, sand sticking to my clothing was not even the slightest of my problems, for it simply brushed off after a few feeble swipes. This happened before when I escaped through the skylight, but I had not noticed, due to the fact that I was overly anxious about the train.

It was like discovering my powers again, as I started playing with my hoodie and the sand. Nevertheless, I was unable to say the same about my skin, for grains of sand lingered in my nostrils, my eyelids, my mouth, and fundamentally any part of my body that was exposed to the sun. However, no matter how much my back ached or how much sand I swallowed, I had to keep on going. I picked up my bag and started the hike towards the building, which was under half a kilometer away.

I trudged through the sand for about ten minutes only to reach the building, while my stomach churned in extreme hunger from the absence of the pizza I recently ate. Once I entered the building, thirsty, starving, and violated by the sand in my shoes, I attempted to imitate a ninja, being as stealthy as I could. I only succeeded in making a mockery of myself as I was spotted by Eric seconds within my arrival. "Two words," he spoke in the gravest of tones.

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