Chapter 13: Part 1

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I was quick to react beforehand, for I crushed the barrel of the gun with my powers, which stopped the bullet from ever escaping the gun. After he discovered that his gun no longer worked, I ran in to tackle him and brought him on the floor to then finish him with a solid strike. All four of them were unconscious, and with little effort too, for it had only been less than twenty seconds. As the battle ended, the pig rose from his chair, holding a knife, and ran towards me like a crazed serial killer.

Instinctively, I reached for my gun; however, I struggled with the pocket more than planned. I was cutting it close, but as I finally pulled the pistol out, he had run close enough for me to place the muzzle on top of his forehead, which halted him immediately. His arm had arched back with the knife, readied to stab me, meaning I had pulled the gun out in the nick of time. "Drop it," I shouted, as the pig shivered in fear and the girls on stage took a step back.

He dropped the knife instantaneously and asked in a trembling voice, "What do you want from me, kid?"

"Wallet, please," I requested in a lower voice. I looked at the lady at the bar, seeming impressed with a glowing smile.

He gave it to me, very hurriedly, while saying continuously, "Please don't hurt me," like it was a chant.

"I suppose you've heard of Margaret?" I asked.

"Who?" he was unacquainted of my mother.

"Margaret Foster," I tried again.

"No, I've never heard of her my entire life," he told the truth.

When I opened his wallet, all I found was a hundred dollar note and a few dimes, which was a disappointing find, so I threw it back at him in discontent, "Give me all your cash," I yelled.

"It's all in there," he tried to deceive me.

"Bullshit," I pushed the loaded pistol into his head, calling his bluff.

He raised his hands further into the air as he conceded. The pig then reached into his pocket to pull out a crumpled envelope, with the word 'Lucas' written on the front. I removed the gun from his scalp to open the package, and when I did, my mind screamed 'Eureka'. After finding more money in a tiny envelope than I had ever seen before in my life, I asked the woman at the bar, "What do you normally get paid here?"

"I'll get in trouble if you give me that money," she quickly warned.

"Because of him?" I asked about the pig as she nodded, and so I walked up to the man himself who was on his knees and whispered directly into his ear, "If I find this lovely lady here or any of these girls harmed in any way possible, I will find you and cook you alive."

I then looked back up at the woman and she answered, "Depends, usually goes for about 800 a week," with her eyes focused on the envelope.

Sadly impressed by the salary of her profession, I walked up to her and handed about three quarters of the amount inside the envelope to her to which I told her to share it with her friends, leaving the rest for myself. The rest was approximately two grand. This was as selfless as I could be for I needed to buy the alarm clock for Eric, and having no idea of its cost, two grand was a safe bet. Since I had no use for it, I also left the gun with her, to keep the pig in control.

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