Chapter 19: Part 1

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Dedicated to the people of Las Vegas.

I was scared three-quarters to death when I saw several surgical staples spread across the victim's skull. After I checked the contents of this captive's brain, which was void of any metal, I made an uncommitted promise with myself that I would not check the inside of each and every one of the actors' brains, to save myself from vomiting. However, my stomach could not help but at least churn in response to the gruesome portrayal of an execution.

Then, it was Carly's turn, and as she was handed the gun, a moment of hesitation occurred, in which she rapidly overcame and inhumanely fired without remorse. I blinked from a small fright caused by the noise of the gun, meanwhile, Felix had not blinked once after he fired that blank, which indefinitely scarred him, fake or not. As the Silverist in front of Carly sealed the body of her assumed murder, she was offered the same magazine Felix and I were given. Carly came back to her group, seeming not the least bit distraught after her hand at an execution, like she had done something of the sort before, which would have explained her stubborn secrecy of her backstory.

Then, it was Carly who held a bloody magazine with an even bloodier hand, as the red liquid on mine started to dry in the slightest. It was a pessimistic cycle of traumatizing accounts. Willian was next to be selected by Eric, and so another victim was brought into another body bag after another recruit shot them with another gun. Once Willian was handed yet another identical magazine to ours, he lined up with his squadron a changed person. Eric chose Sophie afterwards, then Phix, then Gordann, then David. However, as David was subsequently handed his magazine, one refused to shoot. Rosette had been chosen, but sticking to her last name, she was as virtuous as a saint and disobeyed Eric by not following his instruction to shoot the bagged victim.

Then, it was Carly whose hand started to parch slightly from the red fluid, as did mine and Felix's. Back to the situation with Rosette, no one could blame her for rejecting, as she was only just experiencing pubescence at the age of fifteen. As sympathetic as Eric should have acted due to her age, his callous demeanor negated both her gender and age, which led him to order her again to pick a victim without agitation. Her refusal only made matters worse as Eric started speaking louder and louder, until her relentless attitude forced him to give up and move onto the next recruit. I was thankful that the situation had not escalated from the tipping point it was already on.

Chump was then put on the firing line, as he was forced by Eric to execute one of the four remaining Langatory employees, which he performed swiftly with almost no hesitation for he even thanked the Silverist for giving him a magazine. I did not know if he was just sick or he had already figured out that it was all an act, but I had highly doubted that he was able to deduce the latter.

Phox was chosen afterwards who was a little tired, as I assumed it was one of the symptoms of her condition. Nonetheless, she was like her sister, and shot within seconds of placing the muzzle on her victim's forehead, with little repentance for her actions.

Last and arguably least, Eric finally narrowed our pack of recruits down to Torretta. "Willian," Eric called her brother.

"Yes sir," Willian answered even though they were about the same age, if not Willian was older.

"Come over here," Eric asked the blondie, while Torretta gazed at the sky in a state of thoughtlessness.

"But I already fired my gun, I ain't got another," Willian made the mistake of talking back.

"I'm not asking you to fire again, you goddamn idiot, now get your ass over here," Eric yelled as loud as a sergeant with the only purpose of sending his recruits into hell, for he had already been angered by Rosette's actions. As Willian finally made his way over to him, Eric oddly made Willian stare at his sister for a while before questioning him whether or not Torretta was fit to hold a gun.

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