Chapter 4: Part 2

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"I need a place to live, somewhere not in an alleyway and is as clean as this train," I bargained immediately, after the last conversation with my father took place in my head.

"Of course. So you'll be joining then, Foster?" Eric asked for confirmation.

"As much as I want to give you the middle finger, I will take your offer, as long as I have a roof over my head," I accepted to join Eric's 'gang'.

"Good," he said nonchalantly, but I could almost tell that he was celebrating and dancing in joy on the inside.

"So, where do you guys live exactly?" I asked with a cracking voice as well as a drop of sweat on my forehead. For some reason, I grew anxious after making the most logical choice of my life.

"Don't bother asking, you're about to find out yourself," Eric answered as the train suddenly became exponentially slower, as the force of inertia pulled me forward. Eric then pulled a lever that simultaneously pulled down all of the window shades that were in the vicinity. Eric then saluted with a simple wave of the hand, "See you on the ground, kid."

The two guys waited by the car's door on the left, and, after no more than a second, the door automatically opened, to which they then jumped out through so suddenly, and following them was Eric. I did not know whether they jumped out to land on solid ground or they had landed onto the track adjacent to the train. I had even thought about the possibility that they committed suicide.

Since there was little cabin pressure, I poked my head out of the door to find Eric safely standing on a platform, like a stroll from a bullet train was nothing, and this occurred with the other two as well. However, the platform they were standing on soon deconstructed and broke in pieces. I then realized that they were in fact standing on the adjacent train track and had covered it with some sort of rubber layer, which broke their fall to prevent injury.

As my eyes moved to the opposite direction, I spotted a lone abandoned building in front of me the size of an enormous aircraft hangar, which did not look like much but was going to be more than what met the eye from the inside. When I extended my gaze further past the building, that feeling of being marooned on an island hit me for I was in what looked like a desert with only one train track sticking out of it. Eric was not exaggerating about my being in a desert as, after I looked left and right, there was no city or town or even any trees, except for the building in front of me and heaps of sand.

The train was not going as fast as it was initially and so the rest of the hooligans that I saw in the diner jumped out of their carriages and landed safely onto the adjacent train track covered in rubber. The train's speed was drastically reduced, which was one of the many reasons that tempted me to jump out in the first place, but for some reason, I hesitated.

I felt extremely nervous about doing this but I had no choice. I were to join a gang or make an uncertain trip back to civilization without directions, only to then return to my troubled life as a half-orphan. Though the latter was equivalent to suicide, I feared that joining this gang was worse somehow. I had already made the deal with Eric for he would give me a place to stay, so that was a plus, and I really did not want to walk such a distance with no food or water, so there should be nothing stopping me, but something felt wrong.

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